What Happens in Scotland

We're Outta Dundee (Intended exclamation mark that

The five of us are in the car on our way to Glamis (pronounced Glams w/ a long 'a'). We're running a little behind because we all wanted to stop and shop this morning.

We went to a little place called Sutherlands, where my dad bought my mom a wool travel rug. We went back and bought a lamb's wool travel rug, some post cards, a Celtic Elements Knot necklace, and a really cool Celtic Knot pen.

Then we went to a kilt store and the couple we're traveling with bought a kilt. My dad said that the kilt store was equivalent to a men's suit story. It made me feel kind of claustrophobic.

We are currently driving on the edge of the Highlands, and lemme tell ya - there's a lot of hills, cows, and grass. Right now we're at the top of a hill and I can see across 3 fields of sheep, cows, and goats through to mountains. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen and I live in Europe!!

So last night we stayed at a Best West, and now we are on to the next city. The beds in the B.W. were hard and I thought I owuldn't be able to sleep on them, but I took a shower an dgot in my pjs and man I was out. My parents cam ein about 12.30 and this morning my mom said I'd fallen sleep watching the Ring.

Well, I've reached a castle, so I gotta go.

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wow...i was soo bored that day - but it was still cool to see one of many of the Queen's castles/palaces...