The Room

I feel your stress

There was Nothing strange ,different or particularly special about me or my life. I was this average guy in his thirties worrying about money , job and girlfriend issues like most of the world. I didn't say allot to anyone , just one of those people that keep to themselves i guess. I wasn't that interesting, in fact my life was the same ruitine and dull. I worked as a furniture sales man witch is probably the most life draining job out there. It was just easier to follow in dads footsteps than trying to find a job that is equally poorly paying. what i really wanted to be was a photographer. You could say it was my way of getting away from everything and doing something i want to do for a change. This never lasted long as my girlfriend didn't want me taking pictures when i could be out there getting money for her to sit her fat ass on. I don't want to hate her but she really leaves me with no choice. I cant remember the last time i enjoyed spending time with her. I was away from the apartment as much as possible. As much as i hated work , living with Amanda was a living nightmare. Yeah we live together. It's amazing how we haven't killed each other yet.So why are we still together? Good question but it's complicated. She told me that she was pregnant with my kid. She left me kinda speechless. I tried hugging her and telling her that everything will be okay but she obviously wasn't happy about things. Her eyes were blood shot from crying , Her blond hair all matted and tangled, she just screamed at me. Id had enough so i didn't bother arguing back, Instead i just went to the bedroom, i needed to think.

From then on Amanda used this baby as an excuse to treat me like crap. I was in desperate need of a miracle. One night i finished work at 6:00pm and grabbed a bus to take me home. It was freezing cold outside and snow was already starting to stick to the ground. I looked out he window trying to relieve some stress, it was already pitch black outside. Some kids were playing in the snow, it reminded me of my own childhood when things were hell of a lot simpler. Now that i was older snow was just another pain in the ass i had too deal with.All of a sudden it began to rain heavily. The kids outside looked disappointed as the rain flushed all the snow away.

I dragged myself up the apartment steps one by one. I was in no hurry get there , In fact id have preferred it if i didn't make it to the top. This being life i made it to the top of the stairs , got my apartment key out , put it in the lock and opened the door. I heard a loud moan of pleasure and heavy breathing.. Her eyes met mine as she saw me standing by the door in shock. Whoever she was with realized i was there too. They just looked at me. She'd completely used me, how could i be this stupid! This time i couldn't just let it go. I felt anger rush up inside me.
"This is your idea of trying to make things work between us!? I'm working my ass of for you, cant you see that" I screamed at her meaning every word. She didn't say anything she just looked away. I threw my keys at the couch , walked out and slammed the door behind me. Nobody ran after me. I grabbed hold of the railings outside. It was still raining. I held my head in my hands and found my emotions got the better of me. The sad thing was i was probably relived that she was out of my life. I had nowhere else too go and i was soaking wet. I was going to have to find another apartment and fast.