I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 1

Name: Nicole Hardy
Age: 26
Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes
Family: Jeff and Matt Hardy(Older brothers), Claude G(father)
Personality:Shy when you first meet her but is real sweet, hyper like Jeff, can be mean if you pissed her off
Crush: Shannon Moore
Occupation:Nothing, She travels with her brothers when they're on the road and hangs with Shannon.
DOB: 7/15/83

Here I am, enjoying a party at Matt's house. Well trying to anyway. I can't help, but stare at the hottest man I've known all my life. Yet I still haven't had the guts to ask him out. I didn't even object at his wedding!!

I sigh and sit back on the couch. Then my brother and his girlfriend sat beside me.

"Having fun yet?" Jeff asked. I sigh and nod my head lying.

"Ask him out!" Beth whispered to me.

"I can't!" I say hoping my blush doesn't show. "What if he doesn't like me?!?"

"Sometimes I hate being related to you." Jeff mumbled. I playfully hit him and blow a rasberry. "So childish."

I laugh and Matt comes over with a beer in his hand.

"You guys talking about Nikki's problems?" He asks jokingly.

"I don't have problems! Just confused." I say pretending to pout.

"What's so confusing?!" Matt says. "You like Shannon Moore and Shannon Moore likes you!"

I stare at Matt shocked and so did Jeff and Beth.

"Shit! Did I say that out loud?" He says scratching the back of his neck. "Damn booze is one hell of a drink."

We laugh at my brother's stupidity. Then Shannon comes over and it gets quiet in our little group.

"Hey guys. Whatcha laughing at?" Shannon asked.

"Nothing...Beth and I were about to get some more beer." Jeff said glancing at me.

"And I was going to hit on that chick over there." Matt slurred a bit. I roll my eyes at my brothers attempt to get me and Shannon alone.

"Oh...I'll stay and talk to Nikki." Shan said smiling at me.

I felt my face turn red and smiled. Everyone else went to do what they said, while Shannon sat right next to me.

"So Ms.Hardy, how are you doing?" He asks.

"Ok." I say trying to stay calm.

"Ya sure?"

I nod and drop my head feeling confused again. I didn't know if I should believe Matt or not. I mean c'mon he was drunk.
Then Shannon lifted my head with his finger and he kissed me. I was shocked, but I kissed back anyway. We both ended up smiling into the kiss and pulled away.

Shannon looked into my eyes and was smiling big.
"Nicole I..."