I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 11

I went into Shannon's house first to get my stuff, then left him a note on the his kitchen table.

Dear Shannon,

I thought we had something, but i guess i wrong. You cheat on me for half of the relationship and expect me to take you back. Nuh-uh
not happening. To Matt, thank you for ruining my life and making it a living hell. And i hope this wasnt your birthday gift to me, or wait?
Did you forget again this year? Well it doesn't matter now! I hope you both burn in hell.


P.S. Don't call my cell. By the time you read this, I would've sold my phone to a guy named Shirly.

I leave then head over to Matt's and get the remainder of my stuff. Then rush to my car and drive down the road.
"I don't where I'm going I'm just getting the hell outta this state." I say to myself. I turn on the radio then put in my Three Days Grace CD.

"...And now you're dead inside still you wonder why, it's all over..." I had started singing to "It's All Over". Hopefully this takes my mind off
of the crap I've been through this past week.

My phone started to ring, it was Matt. I sigh heavily and throw it in the passenger seat. Then it rang again, but this time it was Shannon. I groan
then roll down my window and throw the phone out the window, where it made a nice cracking sound. I smile to myslef and run my hand through
my hair.

"I need a change.... a new.. look." I started thinking about dying my hair purple like Jeff had it that one time. Maybe I'll wear contacts....
hazel eyes sounds nice. "Yea I'm gonna change." I keep thinking about this and continue to drive down the long road to a new start at life.