I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 12


Name: Brandie Brianne smith
Age: 27
Looks: Dark brown hair, Blue eyes
Family: only child and parents died when she was 17
Personality: Hyper, short tempered, Crazy, Depressed sometimes
Crush: Anyone (preferably Matt, Jeff or punk) No one ugly!
Occupation: None- her parents were rich so when they died she got all their money

DOB: September 21, 1982

Nicknames: Energizer bunny, Bri, Bunny, Elmo

Hates: The nickname Bunny, cause bunnies terrorize her,

Loves: wrestling, music, Adam Gontier, Three days grace, Avenged sevenfold, Elmo

I had ended up in Chicago, Illonois and met up with an old friend from high school. Brandie luckily has a boyfriend that doesn't cheat on her and
loves her very much. Phillip Brooks aka CM Punk. He's cool but I wish I had Shannon.

I sigh and look out the window of Brandie's 4 story mansion. Then I start to look around my new place to stay. Nothing on the walls that reminds me of my old life, well just Jeff. Him and Dad are the only 2 people from my old life that I even talk to, and that know I'm living in Chicago. I
miss Jeff the most though, he would make me laugh and everything. I look at my phone and see if I had any missed calls. None.

I sigh again as a tear rolls down my cheek. Then I run my hair through my semi long dark red with purple streaks. Yea I told you I needed a change.

Brandie had wandered into my room.
"C'mon Nikki, you gotta get out of the house some day." she said giving me a side hug.

"Why? Just to get hurt again." I say with another tear rolling down my face.

"So you can meet anohter guy have fun, live a little." Brandie was trying to persuade me.

I sigh. "Ok, what did u have in mind?"

"Yay!!" She jumped. "Tonight Phil's in town and we're going to a club, and you're coming! So get some clothes on and be ready by 8."

I smile at her enthusiasm. "You miss Punk don't you?"

"More than you can imagine." Bri was smirking. "I miss a lot of things."

"EWWW!" I laugh and throw a pillow at her.


It was 9:15 when we arrived at the club. I was wearing a black tank top with a deniem skirt that stopped right above my knee. I wore flats that matched my shirt.

Brandie was wearing a mini skirt and purple v-neck and Punk with his usual shirt and jeans with tennis. Dude needs to learndress up a bit.

We walk in and they imediately go to the dancefloor while I go to the bar and order myself a martini. Then some guy came up and said
"I'll have what this pretty lady's having."

I look up and see a man with blue gray eyes and black hair. He was wearing some dark jeans and a gray sweater. I smile and giggle at this very hot guy.

"I'm Nicole." I say extending my hand.

"I'm Aiden, nice to meet you Nicole." Aiden took my hand and kissed it. I giggle and blush at his kindness. "So why are you sitting at the by
yourself? You're to pretty to be alone."

I gave a small smile. "I just kind of went through a break up."

"Oh." He said. "The guy you were with must've been stupid to give up someone like you."

I raise an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask jokingly.

"You're accent, beauty, and you seem like a great girl." Aiden says smiling at me. This caused me to blush and his smile grew.


Aiden takes out a pen and writes something on some paper. "Here's my number. Call me and we can hook up later."

"I'd like that." I say taking the piece of paper. Aiden flashed me a smile and walked away. I sigh with happiness this time and sip on my drink.