I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 13

"Hahaha!" I laugh at another one of Aiden's jokes which are actually funny.

"I'm happy I can make you laugh." He said as we walk up to the door.

I smile and look up Aiden.
"I'm happy I gave you a chance."

"Me too." He smiles. We stood on the steps and I could feel it in the air, he wanted to kiss me.
Aiden caressed my cheek and moved my hair to the side of my face. Then he started to lean down and our lips met. I smile into this kiss then kiss back.
When we pulled away my smile grew on my face again and Aiden joined in with the smiling.

"Thanks" I say breaking the silence. I step into the house then wave at him one more time and closed the door as he waved back.

I sigh in happiness and slide down the nearest wall. I run upstairs, and here noises coming from Brandie's room remembering that Punk was still here for a few more days. I walk straight for my room and turn open the door.

"I was wondering when you were coming back." A southern accent said in the darkness. I turn on the light and see my brother, Jeff.

"Jeffy!" I ran over and hugged him tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Well since Smackdown was in town and you said you were living with Punk's girlfriend, I asked could I come over and see how you're holding up." He said. "It seems like you're trying to take my style." Jeff said refering to my red and purple hair. He ruffled it up a bit.

"Hey you're messing up my hair!" I said pushing him back.

"As many times as you messed mine up in the past!" Jeff retorted pushing me back.

"`Cuz....grr!" I say then cross my arms.

Jeff laughs and then looked at me a little more seriously.
"So...do you miss Shannon?" Here goes the guilt trip

"No, I moved on." I say not trying to further this conversation but of course Jeff is gonna push it.

"Oh really with who? I would like to meet him."

"If you were at the door when I came in you could've met him."

"What's his name and let me see your phone." He said sticking out his hand.

"His name is Aiden, and what the hell do you need my phone for?" I ask.

"I know you have his picture on there." He smirked.

"Fine Dad." I say giving him the phone.

"Hey! I'm just making sure he isn't a rapist or something."

"Just because you watch America's Most Wanted and Cops does not make you an expert in finding rapist!" I say matter-of-factly.

Jeff rolled his eyes and went through my phone and found a picture of Aiden.
"Looks....ok I guess." I roll my eyes. at him. "Now back to Shannon, he--"

"Can jump of the Empire State building for all I care." I say. "He cheated, he threw away everything we had, and I thought you were pissed at him?"

"He's my friend and he's so sad and we think he's depressed."

"Doesn't anyone care that I was hurting for months!" I say. "I was faithful! But he's upset! He should be sad and upset! He let me get away!" Tears start forming in my eyes. I blink and Jeff hugged me tight.

"I know Nikki, I know." He sighed.