I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 15

Should I be ashamed? Should I stay in Cameron? Should I stay with Shannon? Should I go back to Chicago? Should I tell Aiden? Answers: Maybe. Yes. I still don't know. Not right now. and Hell No. I want to--

My thoughts were interupted by a huge lump in my throat. I ran to the bathroom and hung on to the toilet as my insides come out. In between each time I cried out. Now I'm wondering 'Why did I sleep with him?!?' And now I was really crying and Shannon heard me. I know `cause I felt someone rubbing my back while I lost it.

When I was finished I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face. Then I turned to Shannon.
"This is your fault!!"
"What? How is this my fault?" He asked.
"If you didn't...if you weren't so...UGH!" I say and before I knew it I was over the toilet again. And again he was rubbing my back.

I felt so tired and I was leaning against the wall in the bathroom. Shannon had left out a while ago. I think he said something about the store and brother. I wanted to freak out, but I was too tired to do anything.

Then bathroom door opened and in came Shannon, Jeff, Brandie, Matt, and Ashley. I tried to smile but I ended up showing my dirty teeth.

"Nic, um how long have you been sitting there?" Ashley asked me.
I shrug."I think since this morning." I say but it sounded like a whisper.
"Yea, Brie, give her the bag. Guys can you step out for a second?" Ash said. And the guys left and Brandie closed the door.

"Here take this and pee on this."Brandie said handing me a aspirin and a box.
I sigh and the girls turned around so they wouldn't see me. After I was done, the questions started.

"Why did you sleep with Shannon?" "What is Aiden gonna think?" "Where are you gonna live now?" "Did you think of the reperocussions?"

"Hold on!" I say. "One, I didn't mean to. Two, I'm not telling Aiden anyhting. Three, I don't know. And Four, no, not really." I sigh then they let the guys in the room.

"I'm not gonna yell at you, but I am gonna say this," Jeff started. "You may wanna make up a lie to tell your boyfriend in Chicago, and make it good." I nod and look at Matt.

"I'm sorry." He said.
"Wait..What?"I say shocked.
"I'm sorry...If I didn't tell you not to date Shannon and mess you guys up, none of this bull would've happened."Matt mumbled but I heard him.


The timer went off and we all stared at it.
"...So is anyone gonna look at it?" Shannon asked looking as nervous as I am.
Ashley sighed. "Well since I have experience with this kind of thing, I'll look at it."

She got up and pick it up.
"Nikki. Shannon. You're....."
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Cliffhanger!!!! hope you're liking the story so far. Comment and Subscrbe!! Thanx!