I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 16


Well now I have a 'to do list' to complete.

1) Go to Chicago. 2)Pack all of my things. 3) Tell Aiden about me leaving. 4) Move back in with Shannon. 5) Get ready for 9 months of hell.

Yep I"m pregnant and the 1st 3 things on that list are completed. I just have to brace myself for telling Aiden the news.

Brandie is dragging up to his front door.
"Why can't I just leave and change my cell number so he thinks I died?" I ask as I get pulled more.
" Because you aren't dead! You're pregnant!" She said holding on to my arm and she knocked on the door. Aiden answered.

"Hey Nicole, hey Brandie." He said then looked at the expression on my face."What's wrong?"
"Nikki has something to tell you." Brandie spoke for me.
"Okay, what is it?" He asked looking at me.
"Well," I sighed. "Me and my ex kinda hooked up when I went back to Cameron and now I'm...pregnant."
"Oh..." He said disappointed. "I'm sorry it didn't work out with us and I hope you have a happy life." Then he closed the door before we could say bye.

"Wow! that wasn't that hard was it?" Brandie asked.

I answered her by puking on a nearby tree.

*I am not gonna survive the next 9 months*


We're back in Carolina and my stuff has been moved back in. Now I just have to finish spreading the news to everyone else.

All of a sudden Matt walked into the bedroom with a gift in his hand.

"Since I'm gonna be an Uncle in 8 1/2 months, I got the baby something. Here." He said handing me the gift.

I open it and reveal a full baby outfit with the Hardy Boyz logo on them. I smile and giggle then hug Matt.

"Thanks Matthew."

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Matt asked hugging back. I nod and he kisses my forehead.

Now everything is back to normal....well almost everything.
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