I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 2

Shannon was about to tell me something until our friend Kimo came over and poured punch on us.

"C'mon man!" Shannon exclaimed.

"Give it up for the newest couple, Nicole and Shannon!!" Kimo shouted loudly. I turned at least 30 shades of red and pink.

"Well that ruins what I was about to say." Shannon muttered under his breath.

"You were gonna ask me out?" I ask with a hint of excitment in my voice.
He nods and looks at me looking for an answer. I lean in and kiss him and Shannon pulls me closer and kisses back.

When we pulled apart, both of my brothers were standing above us. Matt pulled Shannon up and took him away and I was left alone. I sigh and go take a shower to wash the punch off of me.

Shannon's Pov

Matt and Jeff brought me to Matt's room to talk to me, I guess.

"Even though you are our best friend, we will still kill you if you hurt my sister in anyway, shape, or form." Jeff said

I nod then Matt burps and says, "Jeff you finish yelling him out while..I go puke."

I shake my head and Jeff continues talking about what I shouldn't do.

"If you ever sleep with her, you bet' not tell me or Matt about. I mean c'mon she's our sister." He pauses to push his hair back. "Just don't do anything to screw this up. She's liked you since day one."

Shock spreads across my face. If she liked for that long, why haven't I heard any thing about it till now? I need some questions to get answered, but not now. We just hooked up, I don't wanna waste something this good.

"So do we have an understanding?" Jeff asked snapping me outta my thoughts.

"Yea, why would I hurt her?" I ask. Jeff shrugs and we walk out of the room.

I had to use the restroom, so I waited outside of the one in the hall upstairs.
*This person must've had to much booze*

Normal Pov

I step out of the shower and put on some shorts and a tank top. I open the door and see a dancing Shannon.

"Doing the potty dance huh?" I laugh

"Oh, Nikki...yea.."He says slightly blushing

I step out his way and give him a quick kiss on the cheek and head for my room. I toss my punch drenched clothes in the hamper and get in bed. I fall asleep slowly, and started dreaming of Shannon....