I Fell for the Prince of Punk

Chapter 6

"I'm still staying here no matter what." I say into my phone talking to Jeff

"What if me and Matt apologize?" Jeff asked.

"You have nothing to apologize for, you thought I was able to finally make my own choices."~Me
"So you want Matt to apologize?"~Jeff
"Not just that,but I want him to let me be free and make my own mistakes." ~Me
"Am I on speaker?"~Me
"That doesn't matter, it's just that Matt wants you back under his guidance." ~Jeff
"Guidance or survallence? He just doesn't me on my own."~Me
"Well, it tooh you long enough to reliese that." *chuckle* "That's why I moved out a long time ago."~Jeff
"Whatever Jeff. Just tell Matt I'm still not gonna speak to him till he apologizes to me and Shannon."~Me
"Wow that's harsh, but ok bye."~Jeff

I hang up and see Shan sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet in the water. I walk over and sit beside him. I rest my head on his shoulder then he sighs. I put my head up and look at him, he had a blank look on his face.

"Shannon, are you okay?"

He sighs and looks at me and gave me a small smile, but it disappears.
"You wouldn't leave me to go backl home would you?"

"No. I love being here with you." I say looking deep in his bluish-gray eyes.

He smiles at me again, but it gets smaller. "What if you forced to go?"

"I would scream my head off, kick and squirm, and fight until they let me go." I say.

Then he smiled and this time it stayed that way. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me.
"You know if your brother took you away, I'd probably go crazy and die right?"

"Yea and the second I got to Matt's house I would've killed myself." I say leaning on his chest.

"Then we'd be angels in heaven."

"Or demons in hell."
He laughs and we kiss as the sun started to set.