All You Need to Do Is Observe

She Has A Name

Gerard’s POV

It was lunch time I went and sat by a tree at the back of the school near where Frank had said she would be. Normally at lunch I sat anywhere where I wouldn’t be interrupted and drew, I didn’t have any friends at this school nor did I want any. I liked being alone.
I rested the back of my head on the tree and closed my eyes,

“Gerard” a familiar voice shouted my name. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the voice, it was Frank he was walking towards me.

“Hey Frank” I said welcoming,
“Hey, I’m glad I found you” he said sitting down in front of me.

“Yeah why’s that?” I asked curious, had Frank found out something else about the girl?

“You know that girl in your pictures?” was this a trick question of course I didn’t know her, but normally the answer to those types of questions is just ‘yes’ then the person who asked it normally told you all about it.

“Yeah” I replied,

“Well her name is Zeah” said Frank with a huge grin on his face, I couldn’t help but grin too

“Zeah?” that was a really unusual name, but beautiful and it suited her. She was unusual and beautiful

“Yeah” he said still looking extremely happy.

“How do you know?” I wonder if he talked to her or if he had told Mikey I hoped he hadn’t told Mikey, but I don’t really know why.

“I talked to her, well really she sneaked up on Mikey and I while we were talking about her” he had told Mikey, wait maybe they were just talking about her not my dream I had to be sure.

“You didn’t tell Mikey did you?” I asked,

“Nope” he sounded really proud when he said that and he still had that stupid grin on his face.

I was looking at Frank when I heard another familiar voice, but it wasn’t voice I had fond memorises of.

“Frankie” Frank turned around,

“Zeah” he said to himself, I knew I knew that voice. It was her and she was coming towards me, I mean us actually probably just Frank, hold on a second did she call him Frankie?

“Why hello Frankie” her voice was exactly the same as the one in my dream, how was that possible?

“Hey Zeah” Frank stared up at her and so did I, she was really beautiful.

“Who’s your friend Frankie?” she asked now staring at me, I noticed she had amazing deep green eyes. Then it hit me the girl in my dream had blue eyes but my thoughts were interrupted by Frank introducing me to her.

“Oh yeah, this is Gerard” Frank said turning back around to me, Zeah knelt down still looking at me.

“Hi Gerard, I’m Zeah” She blushed a little, I smiled

“Hi Zeah” I just started at her, she was real, she wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

“I feel as if I’ve seen you before” she said, shit now if I tell her I have been watching her at the cemetery she going to think I’m a stalker.

“Umm… Same here” I looked over toward Frank who was no longer smiling, he stared back at me.

“Probably just a coincidence” she replied, I wanted to tell her that I had seen her at the cemetery but it was a bad idea.

“Yeah probably” I looked back at her she was now staring at the grass, it seemed that everyone had suddenly become very sad. I turned to Frank

“Frankie hey?” I smiled at him, the grin from before came back,

“Yeah it seems to be” he looked over at Zeah.

“It suits him don’t you think?” it sounded as if she was almost hinting at something,

“Yeah it does” My smile widened as I looked at him. I stared into his eyes
“Well I’m going to leave you two to talk” she said as she got up.

“Umm… okay” I said not wanting her to go,

“Bye” Frank said after her.

Frank and I sat there for 5 minutes in silence after she had left; we just stared at each other

“Gerard?” his voice was very quiet when he said my name.

“Yeah Frankie?” did I just call him Frankie?

“Frankie?” he said surprised
“It’s catchy and as Zeah said It suits you” it was catchy and it did suit him. It was cute just like him... hold on did I just say Frank was cute? I think I did, what was going on>

“Okay” he said, it was now very awkward, we sat in silence for another minute or two this time not looking at each other.

“Well umm… I’m going to go find Mikey” I didn’t want him to leave but I wasn’t going to stop him.

“Okay, I’ll see you later” I couldn’t think of any thing else to say, it was good that he was going I needed to be alone to sort out my thoughts.

“Yeah, bye” Frank said as he got up and left.