All You Need to Do Is Observe

It's Okay To Cry

Gerard’s POV

We sat in silence for a minute when she asked,

“You come here often?” she asked now staring at her usual spot.

“Yeah about once a week when Mikey annoys me so much I need to get out” I smiled when I said this and looked over at her. She looked really sad but I wasn’t about to ask her about it, I could tell she was one of those people who didn’t like to be seen as weak in anyway, just like me really.

“Annoys you hey? So what did he do today?” she turned and looked at me, her eyes were glazed over slightly as if she was about to cry.

“At the moment he is blasting the house with music, which normally is fine but I just wanted some peace and quiet, you know?” most siblings could relate to that and I just assumed she had them.

“Yeah, my little brother does that sometimes. My sister use to do it all the time but it was fine because it was always good music” A tear rolled down her cheek as she was talking about her sister. I had a feeling something had happened to her. She looked away from me and back at the grave

“Siblings hey? You can’t live with them but you can’t live without them” I smiled as she wiped more tears from under her eyes but still did not look at me. I moved closer to her and put my arm around her shoulders holding her close,

“It’s okay to cry you know it doesn’t make you weak, not to me” I whispered in her ear trying to make her feel comfortable, she turned to the side and hugged me. I could feel her tears dripping onto my t-shirt.

Zeah’s POV

I sat there staring at the bench which I would normally sit at when I came here; I decided to ask Gerard a question so it wouldn’t feel so awkward.

“You come here often?” I still didn’t look at him. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes

“Yeah about once a week when Mikey annoys me so much I need to get out” I turned to him and replied

“Annoys you hey? So what did he do today?” I asked

“At the moment he is blasting the house with music, which normally is fine but I just wanted some peace and quiet, you know?” I thought back to home and how Adam was always doing that with his stupid rap music, he was so annoying. Then I thought how Ala use to do it as well

“Yeah my little brother does that sometimes. My sister use to do it all the time but it was fine because it was always good music” when I said this I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I missed her so much. I had never really talked about her to anyone before but here with Gerard it felt different he was not like other people, I looked away from him and towards the grave.

“Siblings hey? You can’t live with them you can’t live without them” more tears rolled down my cheek, that sentence was all too true. Gerard moved closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder holding me close and whispered in my ear.

“It’s okay to cry you know it doesn’t make you weak, not to me” I turned to my side looked at him and hugged him my tears dripping onto his t-shirt. He held me close making me feel safe. More tears streamed down my cheek I wasn’t afraid to cry in front of him especially after he had reassured me that he didn’t think I was weak. I pulled away slightly so I could look at him

“I miss her so much” these words slipped from my mouth as more tears flowed from my eyes, he wiped them away with him hand and then sat there in silence looking at me. I knew he didn’t say a word because he didn’t know why I was crying or who ‘she’ was.

“I want to show you something” I stood up and gave him my hand; he looked at it and then up at me before taking it and standing up.