All You Need to Do Is Observe

Reasons, Questions And Mischief

Gerard’s POV

I took Zeah’s hand and stood up, I had guessed the girl she missed so much was her sister but I wasn’t sure so I hadn’t said anything. Zeah lead me over to where she normally sits and sat down now staring at the nameless grave more tears rolling down her cheek, I had to say something.

“That’s her isn’t it?” I asked quietly looking at the grave,

“Yeah” she whispered while wiping away more tears. I held her again

“She was my sister” she paused
“My twin sister” many thoughts flooded my mind at that point. If this girl had died on her birthday then she had also died on Zeah’s birthday which also happened to be my birthday. These thoughts were interrupted when Zeah continued talking, (I never get to finish off my thoughts these days)

“She… she…” more tears flowed from her eyes I held her closer to me.

“It’s okay you don’t have to tell me” I brushed her hair from in front of her eyes,

“But I want to tell you Gerard” she looked at me and took a deep breath.

“She committed suicide 2 years ago” my mouth dropped open, it was just like my dream except Zeah had said she had died 2 years ago. Though now that I think about it the girl in my dream had these icy blue eyes whereas Zeah had deep green eyes, so it can’t have been her.

“Gerard are you okay?” Zeah was looking at me, my mind had gotten lost in my thoughts after she had told me about her sister.

“Yeah I’m fine, what about you?” I questioned looking at her, she was no longer crying but she looked frail,

“I’ll be fine” she smiled a little and I smiled back at her. We sat in silence for another few minutes,

“If you don’t mind me asking, what was your sisters name?” I asked cautiously hoping I wouldn’t upset her but I didn’t think I would.

“Her name was Alatariel” she didn’t just say her name she almost sung it, it rolled off her tongue beautifully.

“Alatariel, that’s a beautiful name” another name which would have suited Zeah perfectly and seeing Alatariel was her twin I’m guessing it would have suited her just the same.

“Yeah unusual but beautiful but she preferred to be called Ala because no one could ever say it right” Zeah looked so beautiful at that exact moment, the last few rays of the sun were causing her skin to glow. Her deep green eyes where still a little glazed from crying and her smile was just absolutely beautiful.

“What?” she asked, I must have been staring for a while for her to say that.

“Oh nothing I was just umm… noticing how amazing your eyes were” I couldn’t think of anything else to say, she blushed a little

“Thanks, my sister was the one who had the amazing eyes though, people would always comment on how beautiful and striking they were. Her eyes were this amazing icy blue, whenever she would give me the evils it felt like she was freezing my heart” she laughed a little and smiled again it was her sister in my dream.

“I can’t begin to imagine how you feel I don’t know what I would do if Mikey died or even Frank for that matter” I stared at her,

“You like Frank don’t you Gerard” she was staring back at me, her voice was filled with trust and compassion. I know she wasn’t asking me whether I liked him as a friend, she was asking me if I liked him more than that and the answer to that question was…

“I don’t know” I seriously didn’t know, I did have feelings for Frank but I hadn’t quite worked them out yet but I had to know what made her ask such a question.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because you two seem rather close and there is great chemistry between you” there’s chemistry between Frank and I? I had never noticed, maybe that was the tension.

She looked down at her watch and looked shocked at the time

“I have to go” she said alarmingly I looked down at mine too it was almost 9.

“Shit is that the time, wow time flies hey?” I looked up at her, she was now standing

“Yeah it does, well umm… I’ll see you at school I suppose” she said walking towards the exit.

“Wait Zeah, it would be safer if I walked you home, I mean it is New Jersey of all places” she smiled at me.

“Sure” I replied. I walked her home we didn’t talk much; she lived only 5 minutes from the cemetery just like me but on the other side. So it was only a ten minute walk home though it felt much longer than that once it got dark. New Jersey wasn’t a safe place to walk home alone in the dark but I got home fully intact.
I opened the front door to see Frank jump in his seat; they were watching a horror film, I sat down next to Frank on the couch.

“So what are we watching” I whispered in his ear, Mikey was already asleep on the floor

“The Exorcism of Emily Rose” he whispered back.

“Nice movie, you seen it before?” I had seen it countless numbers of times but at that moment I was in the mood to mess with Mikey.

“Yeah heaps”

“Cool, want to mess with Mikey instead?” I asked with a mischievous grin on my face.

“Yeah” Frank grinned as well before running off to Mikey’s room to get supplies.