All You Need to Do Is Observe

Frankie On High

Gerard’s POV

“Mikey wake up” I said while poking him in the ribs

“I don’t want to” he said as he turned over so he wasn’t facing me.

“You have to, it’s 7:30 and you have to get ready for school” he just lay there, if he doesn’t get up I’m going to… I’m going to… well I’m going to do something that I can’t think of at the moment.

“Mikey get up now or else” I could tell his eyes were wide open now, he turned over cautiously

“Or else what?” he looked worried but I still had no idea what the ‘or else’ was.

“Oh you don’t want to know” I looked at him mischievously,

“Okay I’m up” he said jumping out of bed. I got up off his bed happy that I didn’t even have to do any thing or at that think of anything.
I walked to the kitchen to get some coffee. I made it and sat at the breakfast bar thinking about what had happened between me and Frankie. I had finally worked out my feelings, I did like Frankie and more than a friend I wanted to be with him. To wake up with him in my arms like I had this morning, to kiss him whenever I wanted to, I wanted to walk down the street hand in hand with him, I wanted him. Though I didn’t know how to act on it I need to talk to someone about this, but who? Frankie would be talking to Mikey and I didn’t want him to feel like a relationship councillor. So I couldn’t talk to him but who else was there…
Zeah, yeah she was asking questions last night I could talk to her. I have to talk to her though it kind of feels weird talking to her seeing I have this thing for her.

“Gerard, earth to Gerard” I looked up Mikey was up and getting himself his usual morning coffee.

“Hey, Mikey you’re up I see” I said as he poured himself a coffee,

“Yeap” he said smirking.

“So what’s up with Frank?” he asked curiously

“I don’t know” I said looking away, I thought it would be best if Frankie told him instead.

“Come on Gerard, I know you know you can’t lie to me I’m your brother” he said looking me straight in the eyes.

“If you want to know so badly go ask him” I said looking him straight back in the eyes,

“Okay I will” he said walking off with his coffee.

10 minutes later Mikey came out of his room where he and Frankie were talking, he had a very smug look on his face.

“You ready?” I asked while rolling my eyes at him,

“Yeah, but Frank probably isn’t, like normal”

“Frankie you ready?” I yelled down the hall, hoping he was I couldn’t take much more of Mikey’s smugness, Mikey looked at me.

“Frankie? You met Zeah didn’t you?” Oh yeah Mikey didn’t know I was the reason Frankie and him were talking about her.

“Yeah, yesterday” Frankie came running down the hall and went straight for the front door and then stopped.

“Well you guys coming?” he said smiling from ear to ear,

“Yeah I’ll be right there” I ran down to my room grabbing my stuff, I ran out my door then realised I didn’t have my keys I ran back into my room and grabbed them from my dresser. This time I walked down the hall I didn’t even know why I was running before, we were for once leaving early. I couldn’t believe it Frankie had gotten ready on time and was the first in the car. I got to the door and locked it behind me. Frankie was sitting in the front seat when I got in, I smiled at him before starting the engine.