All You Need to Do Is Observe

I've Made Up My Mind

Gerard’s POV

This morning I couldn’t find Zeah anywhere, I wonder what she was doing (A/N: we all do ::shifty: ). So instead I went to my locker and then to class. After class I went straight to the back of the school to meet her, I only had to wait 5 minutes before she arrived.

“Hey Gerard, what’s up?” she smiled and sat down next to me

“Hey Zeah, well… umm…” now how exactly was I going to put this, she was now grinning like a cheshire cat.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked

“Because” she was being tricky

“Because why?” she was now smiling more than ever and it waskind of no really annoying.

“I know” god was she annoying me

“You know what?” so so annoying

“You like Frankie” she was now giggling like a little school girl and I couldn’t help but smile myself.

“Yes I like Frankie” I could fell myself blushing

“I was right, I so knew you did-“ she cut herself off,

“Wait… but yesterday night you said you didn’t know, what happened between then and now?” she looked at me curious.

“Well…” I was now the one with the upper hand

“Well what? Spit it out” I could see she was already getting annoyed (she gets annoyed fast)


“Stop it and tell me or else” oh threats she must be really annoyed, she may look harmless- wait she doesn’t look harmless- but what could she do *thinks* okay I so do not want to know what the ‘or else’ will be.

“Okay well… last night…” (A/N: I can’t be bothered typing the whole story out, but you know it anyways) she sat and listened to the whole story without saying anything, and then when I was finished she spoke.

“So can I see the video” is that all she has to say?

“Umm… yeah but aren’t you going to say anything else?” she had to have some input or advice for me because I sure needed it.

“Of course I just wanted to know about the video first before we got into a deep and meaning full discussion about it. You know most important things first” she was smiling I couldn’t help but laugh, she was actually making this easier for me, if that was possible.

“So…” this was the perfect time for her to tell me what to do

“Well first off why did you leave Frankie standing there after he kissed you?” she asked

“I didn’t know what else to do” well that was the truth

“God, you are hopeless” she was fast to jump to that conclusion.

“What do you mean ‘I’m hopeless’” come on what else was I suppose to do?

“Well after you walked away, how do you think Frankie felt?” oh crap I never thought about that, man I’m selfish.

“Umm… confused” well that’s how I felt
“Hell yes, I mean imagine if you were the one who kissed Frankie and then he just walked away without a word” she proposed

“Man that would suck” maybe Frankie now thinks I don’t like him, no wait he was all happy and crap when we left the house.

“Yeah it would, did he say anything to you after?”

“No not much, but… he was bounding all over the house like he had had a bag of sugar and had the biggest grin on his face” that grin so adorable and cute.

“So he was happy?” she asked me, I felt like saying 'No he was miserable but so much so that he was so happy'.

“Yeah, really happy” I was still smiling from thinking about him, Zeah just looked at me and smiled.

“So have you asked him out yet?” she didn’t waste anytime did she?

“No but I’m going to at lunch” I can’t wait, I was now absolutely certain.

“Good can I tag along?” What the hell she wants to be there when I ask him out, she was some weird girl

“Umm… sure”.

“Coolies, hey I need to go to my locker before the bell rings you want to come?” May as well have nothing else to do and seeing as Zeah is practically my only friend in this place (except for my hopefully soon to be boyfriend and my brother).

“Yeah sure” we got up and walked into the school and to her locker.

When we got there a couple were eating eat others faces right in front of her locker

“Oh great” I said under my breath just loud enough for her to hear it.

“Don’t worry I’ve got it sorted” she walked straight up to the couple (who were jocks might I add)

“Oi move” the guy turned around and was about to say something but then he just grabbed the girls hand and walked off.

“What the hell was that about?” I asked. I mean if I had done that he would have punched me out at the very least

“So you haven’t had story time with your brother I guess” Story time with Mikey? I am now really confused,

“Ah… no”

“Well that’s interesting he was so keen to tell Frankie when I first meet them” oh I am so going to make him tell me.

“So are you going to tell me or do I have to have story time?” I asked while she opened her locker,

“You can have story time” she laughed.

“Hey look a note from Frankie” why the hell was she getting notes in her locker from Frankie?

“What does it say?” I asked not saying what I wanted to because it sounded really mean and rather jealous.

“It says ‘You rock Zeah, meet us after school it you can’, so can I?” What did Zeah do to make her rock? And why was she asking me if she could hang out with us after school when Frankie said she could?

“Yeah of course, may I ask why he says you rock?”

“Coolies, does there need to be a reason I just naturally rock” she grinned.

“Nah it’s because I took care of his ‘litter’ problem” his ‘litter’ problem, oh that would be the large amounts of hate mail he seems to get in his locker.

“How did you do that?” it was the jocks that did that, I so need to hear these stories

“Oh I have my ways” she had a mischievous grin on her face (we seem to be grinning a lot today and I have a feeling it’s not about to end here).
The bell rang as she closed her locker

“Well I’ll see you at lunch” I said as I was about to walk away

“Where though?” she asked before I walked away, I hadn’t thought of that.

“Umm… by the tree at the back of the school” that seems like a good place since no one seem to be there

“Okay, well I’ll see you later” I watched as she walked down the hall, then after she rounded the corner I grabbed a bit of paper from my bag and scribbled Frankie a note and then shoved it in his locker quickly before rushing off for class.