All You Need to Do Is Observe

Home Sweet Home

Gerard’s POV

I walked into the house; the door was unlocked because Mikey was home. Dad’s car wasn’t outside because he was away on a business trip like normal. He was always away and mom was probably working late again, she has been for the past month. Immediately after I entered the house Mikey was on my case.

“You’re late” he said almost exactly like mom would,

“Oh was poor little Mikey missing his big brother” I responded in a baby voice.
Mikey just stuck out his tongue like a kid and then continued to watch TV.
I walked to the kitchen which was connected to the lounge when I got there Mikey turned around and said,

“Oh mom said she is going to be working late and Frank's staying the night” he paused for a second looking me in the eyes.

“That is if it’s okay with you” he finished, I rolled my eyes Mikey knew Frank was going to stay and he only asked because mom probably told him to.

“Okay, yeah Frank can stay the night” I stared at Frank.
Every time I was around him, which was an awful lot since he practically lives here. I felt awkward and really shy, but I never really knew why. I mean he was a cool guy but most of the time I can’t talk to him or be in the same room as him. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him it was just that - I don’t know I can’t explain it, it was just something about him.

I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly added,

Only if you guys don’t annoy me too much.”

“Can’t promise anything, you know how Frank gets after he has sugar, and well… he just ate a whole bag of skittles”
At this Mikey turned to Frank, who pulled his eyes away from the TV with a huge grin on his face. I could see he was going to be trouble I have only seen him on a sugar high once before and that was, well disastrous and rather funny. Frank’s eyes turned from Mikey to me at this Frank’s smile turned from mischievous to awkward. I could feel the tension between us mounting and my whole body froze while he was looking at me. After what seemed like forever he looked down at the floor blushing a little, I shook my head snapping myself out of my thoughts, again.

“Oh great, why in hell would you give him a whole bag of skittles?” I asked Mikey bewildered and shocked. Frank was going to be all over the show and he knew what Frank was like on sugar.

“Because he’s more fun when he has them” a second after Mikey had said this Frank spoke.

“Hey, I don’t need to be on a sugar high to be fun” said Frank looking slightly offended,

“Yeah but your just more fun when you’re on one, that’s all” replied Mikey quickly; he was probably scared Frank might start jumping on him, making him change his mind. I walked out of the kitchen and started going into the hall

“Well okay, I’ll be in my room, just call if you need me – wait, on second thoughts don’t call me at all” I’m glad I quickly changed what I said or else every second Mikey would call me just to annoy me.
I walked down the hall to the end room, my room, I love my room it was dark and the walls were lined with my drawings and other things I’d done. It was my get away, like the cemetery but I only went there when I could get no peace here.

When I got to my room I took out my sketch book and pencil, they were in the same pocket this time making them easier to find. I must remember to always do that. I opened my sketch book to the picture of the girl in the cemetery. She was beautiful especially with the wings. I was going to go back there tomorrow but a bit earlier so I could be there before her, I wanted to see her again. I wanted to see her move, I wanted to make sure she wasn’t just a vision or my imagination playing games on me. I wanted to know her, her name is there a name out there which could do her justice?
I heard a thump outside my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and walked over and opened it to find Frank sitting there on the floor rubbing his head.