All You Need to Do Is Observe

Lunch Time

Frank’s POV

The bell rang for lunch to start I was so happy and nervous for some reason. I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the class (Mikey wasn’t in the same class this time). I had better go to my locker before I meet up with Gerard or else I would have to leave him early which I didn’t want to do. So I quicklyran walked to my locker. When I opened it a piece of paper dropped to the floor, I knelt down to pick it up. I smiled when i recognised the messy hand writing as Gerard’s, it read ‘meet me by the tree at the back of the school’ well that answers the question of where I’m suppose to meet him. I grabbed the books I needed as quickly as I could and slammed my locker shut and ran out the building. I got to the steps when I heard my name

“Frankie” I turned around to see Zeah behind me.

“Hey Zeah” would she hurry up I want to go and see Gerard,

“What’s the rush Frankie?” she was now grinning from ear to ear.

“No... No reason, why are you looking at me like that?” she was kind of freaking me out, only a little though.

“Because” she was going to be annoying

“Because why?” I said giving her my trademark puppy dog eyes

“Oh I can’t say no to you Frankie” yes it was working

“So are you going to tell me?” I asked starting to walk down the hall.

“Well… I’m just going to say that I know” what the hell does she know

“You know what now?” okay I was kind of getting annoyed now.

“You will find out, come on lets go” she grabbed my hand and dragged me around the corner, but when I figured out where she was taking me I was the one who was dragging her, I could here her laughing as I pulled her towards the tree.

When we got there Gerard wasn’t there, I was getting really nervous now and I still had no idea why

“Don’t worry he’ll be here soon” Zeah said as she sat down, I took a deep breath and sat down next to her.

“You talked to him didn’t you?” I guessed seeing as she knew where I was meeting him

“Yeah” she was smiling at me.

“What did he say?” I so wanted to know but I doubted she would tell me

“I can’t say” I was right.

“Why not?” I had nothing else to say so I may as well carry on the conversation until Gerard came,

“Because… I want him to tell you himself” I was expecting more of a ‘because I promised I wouldn’t’ not what she said, now she was getting my hopes up. We sat in silence for a few minutes still with no sign of Gerard; it was getting pretty awkward so I decided to say something.

“Thank you” though this was like 2 years late I thought I needed to thank her and also for helping me out with my ‘litter’ problem as she called it.

“For what?”

“For 2 years ago and for helping me with my ‘litter’ problem” she smiled and then looked confused

“2 years ago?”

“Yeah though you didn’t know it you made my year more bearable” she was smiling again.

“Oh so I’m guessing you had story time then?” story time? Oh I’m guessing she’s talking about Mikey’s stories.


“Ah that makes sense, so you aren’t like scared of me now are you?” why would I be scared of her, I mean yeah those things she did where kind of mean and you would have never guessed some like her could be that heartless, but I wasn’t scared of her.

“Nope” I said very proudly and as I did her face lit up and she was smiling again

“I’m glad, but Mikey is isn’t he?”

“I don’t think he’s scared just wary” she laughed. I’m guessing he’s just like that because he knew about the stories before he knew her

“Hey, look who's coming” she said looking towards the school building, I looked up and there was Gerard and Mikey walking towards us.
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Dedicated to jaymetheripper since it was her birthday