All You Need to Do Is Observe

When It All Starts

Frank’s POV:

*bell rings*
Shit was that the bell, everybody is leaving so I guess it was for the first time in my life, time went fast when I wanted it to
“Oi Frank are you coming” Mikey stood up and looked at me as he threw his bag over his shoulder
“Of course I’m coming” why the hell wouldn’t I be coming I mean come on, I get to see my new boyfriend, okay man that sounds weird, but good weird
“Then hurry up”
“Why are you in such a rush” I know why I would be but why is he?
“Because… because I just hate this place okay”
“Okay” I replied as I grabbed my stuff and threw it into my bag, and then started walking out the door
Mikey was acting kind of weird at the moment and I had no idea why
“Hey Mikey what’s up with you”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you have been kind of acting weirdly since lunch” it wouldn’t be because of me and Gerard he was all fine with that when we talked
“Nah it’s nothing” right... nothing, yeah right it was nothing but I would find out later, because there was more important things to deal with; like the angel standing at the far end of the car park (you know who I mean ::naughty: )
Gerard and Zeah were standing by the car; Gerard was looking so hot the sun was reflecting off his beautifully pale skin and his eyes, oh his eyes
“Oi Frank, you’re drooling” oh crap I’m drooling well you can’t blame me can you, I whipped away the saliva from my mouth before we got to the car

“Well hello Frankie” said Zeah grinning, she always mad be suspicious when she did that
“Hey Mikey” Zeah said to him, I looked at him his checks were red, was he blushing? Did Mikey like Zeah? If he did that was fast, last time we were talking about her he sounded kind of scared of her, nah he can’t like her
“Hey Zeah, hey Gerard” I said before going and standing in front of Gerard, I stood on my tip-toes (you reading this *points* stop laughing, yes I am short) and kissed his soft perfect lips, his arms were around my waist while mine were entangled in his hair (I love his hair), that’s when I heard a voice which scared the living day lights out of me, a jock this was really bad I mean normally I would just get beaten up because they thought I was gay but now they knew I was, they would probably put me in hospital or something
“Fag” I turned around, shit it was dean he was the jock of all jocks, (the king jock almost) he was always beating me up, I hated him so much. He was walking towards us I could feel Gerard’s arms tighten around my waist, then when he was only 15 meters away from us and I could see the ugly mofo was ready to beat us up, Zeah started walking towards him
“You got a problem with my friends, jock?” oh shit what the hell is she doing?
Oh wait now I remember the jocks were scared of her, she is like my new hero
“Yes I have a problem with your fag of a friend” he said turning around to his friends for support but they weren’t laughing, they all looked really scared, that’s when I remembered that Dean only got here last year (he bacame popular really fast), he looked back at Zeah confused but she now had the most evil and mischievous look on her face ever, I so want to laugh right now
“Oh really now, I’ll give you one more chance to change your answer, maybe you would like to talk to your friends before you do” he looked around at his friends who started shaking their heads and backing away
“Well… Umm… you won’t always be there to protect the fags” I looked over at Zeah while Dean was walking away, she turned around
“He will regret saying that” she stood for a few minutes thinking, he is going to regret ever saying that, I love that she is our friend, I looked back up at Gerard and kissed him again
“So are we going to go or stay here so Zeah can make some more friends?” Mikey said sarcastically
Oh Mikey just has to ruin it doesn’t he, such a spoil sport
“Okay lets go” Gerard said as he got out his keys
“Shotgun” I said before anyone else could think of it, now I could stare at Gerard all the way home, I ran to the front seat and got in
“Oh he is so cute isn’t he” Zeah said looking at Mikey
“Oh yes so cute” Mikey said patronisingly, I just rolled my eyes as they got into the back and Gerard started the car and drove onto the road.

When we got home Gerard got out of the car and practically ran toward the house and unlocked the door, I ran in after him when I got in the house he was lying on the couch I ran and jumped on him
“Oft, Frankie” he said while I sat up properly now straddling him
“What?” I looked at him with my trade mark puppy dog eyes (who could ever say no to them?)
“Aw Frankie you’re so cute, how could I ever be mad at you” I smiled and kissed him, he kissed me back then he started to nibble on my lip ring, gosh that was so hot and it felt so good, just as we started getting into it guess who walks through the door – Elmo!
Nah I’m just kidding of course, no the moment killer Mikey walks in along of course with Zeah
“Ew, guys do you have to do that on the couch of all places?” I smiled at Mikey
“Oh I think it’s cute, keep going don’t mind us” Zeah said, man she was freaking me out, so much that I got off Gerard and sat on the couch normally, she grinned I don’t actually think she meant what she said I think she was trying to freak me out and it worked, she sat down next to Gerard and Mikey sat on the single chair next to it.
“So… what do you guys do for fun around here?” Zeah asked, fun I can think of things I would like to do for fun right now ::naughty:
“Nothing much” Mikey said, did I say he was the moment killer already? Well he is
“Come on you have to do something around here” I suppose we should do something and I suppose I should come up with the idea seeing as I was the one to invite her around
“We could watch a movie” yes that is the best idea I could come up with
“Suppose, what kind of movies do you have?” well there is horror, horror and well horror
“You like scary movies?” Gerard asked her, if she doesn’t I don’t know what we will do with her
“Of course I do” she jumped off the couch and bounced towards the TV where the movies were
“Well seeing we’re going to watch movies I’m going to get us junk food” Mikey said as he went to the kitchen
“And I’m going to get blankets” oh why doesn’t he make Mikey get them I don’t want him to leave, he leaned in closer and whispered in my ear
“I’ll only be a second and I have a good use for them anyway” he kissed my check and then went down the hall, good uses hey? ::naughty:
“Oh oh oh we have to watch underworld” oh she likes vampire movies? Gerard loves this movie, but he won’t be watching much if I have my way ::naughty:
Zeah put the movie on, while Gerard came back with the blankets and Mikey threw a bag on popcorn at me
“Oh I am so not sitting up there with you two” she said as she sat down on the floor with her back against the couch Mikey was sitting on
“Fine then more room for us, oi Mikey turn off the lights” Gerard said while I snuggled in next to him, I felt his hand on my thigh okay so I won’t be able to concentrate on the movie now, not like I planned to anyway.