All You Need to Do Is Observe

Everything Looks Different In The Morning

Mikey’s POV: (he felt neglected, so it's his turn now)

“Ouch” My back really hurts i said to myself as I opened my eyes to look around me, I was on the floor and my arms were around Zeah’s waist, I looked down at her she was so beautiful even more so when she was sleeping, she looked so peaceful and happy when she was asleep, I wish she would always look that way, no wait… I wish she would always feel that way because most the time when I saw her she looked sad and depressed though she didn’t always show it, actually she hardly every showed it though it was just something you notice especially when the people around you are depressed too. I lay my head back down on the pillow (I had got it last night) and just lay there thinking about my life these past few days, now that Frank and Gerard were together they would probably be spending a lot of time together and I would be like the third wheel but luckily I had Zeah, I have always had a thing for her even before we had officially meet, I had seen her around school all the time (no I didn’t stalk her), Ihad have a crush on her, but I would have never told her or talked to her but now, now it was all different, now I was her friend and now she was asleep in my arms.
“Mikey are you awake?” Zeah asked quietly and rather sweetly
“Yeah I’m awake” I replied while I removed my hand from her waist and then gently running my hand threw her hair; she turned over so she was facing me
“Hi” she said while smiling sweetly
“Hi” I replied back smiling at her; she raised her hand and slowly brushed the hair from my face, her hands are so soft and her eyes they are so amazing, they’re this really deep green they almost look as if there is no bottom to them (I know it sounds weird but you get what I mean) they are mesmerizing I could stare at them for hours.
She laughed quietly to herself, it was a sweet little laugh, a laugh you would use for a child when they would say something cute, this was a side of her I had not seen, she seemed so careless and free and happy,
“What’s so funny?” I asked while caught up in my thoughts about her presence
“Oh nothing” her voice was also happy not like her normal menacing, slightly mischievous and sarcastic tone, I smiled at her cuteness
“What are you smiling at?” she asked me
“Oh nothing” I responded in the same way as she had to me, she smirked
“You know you want to tell me” she smiled really cutely at me trying to persuade me to tell her, just like what Frank does with his trademark puppy dog eyes and just like Frank’s puppy dog eyes Zeah’s cute little smile worked the same way
“You’re just so cute that’s all” When I said this she looked rather taken back
“Cute?” she said actually more questioned
“Yeah cute” I said caressing her face; she smiled in a kind of realising manner
“That’s new for you isn’t it?” I asked seeing the look on her face
“Yeah, I haven’t been called cute for a few years” she said, her face now changing unto her normal manner; sad, lonely and depressive. This saddened me, why couldn’t she stay the way she was? And what had made her look this way? I just lay there contemplating these things for a few minutes then came up with an idea
“Hey do you want to stay for the weekend?” I asked hoping she would say yes, if she did I could get to know her better and I wouldn’t be the third wheel to Gerard and Frank (actually where are they?)
“Umm… yeah actually I would love that” at first she sounded unsure and then she sounded really enthusiastic
“Great” I replied with a huge grin plastered against my face
“Wait, first I need to go home first to get some stuff”
“Get Gerard to take you –“ I paused looking upon the couch noticing he and Frank weren’t up there anymore
“If you can find them” I added
“Oh I wonder where they went” she said looking menacing, she suddenly jumped up and ran down the hall, I quickly got up and followed her she slowed down tip-toeing to Gerard’s door, she looked back at me and smiled I came up behind her and stood at her left shoulder as she slowly turned the door knob.
When she opened the door she didn’t open it slightly she flew it fully open unto a scene I didn’t ever want to see, my brother spooning my best friend with only their boxes on
“Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr” I clasped my hands over my eyes
“I’m scared for life! Scared! Scared I tell you!” I said as I turned around and ran into the lounge where I buried my head under pillows and blankets
“Oh Mikey it’s not that bad” Zeah said as she returned to the lounge after a few minutes
“That wasn’t your brother and best friend you saw practically naked spooning, aaaarrrrr images again” I slapped myself in the face as I sat up trying to get the images out of my head
“Oh poor Mikey, well Gerard said he would take me to get my stuff in a few minutes” she was sitting on the arm of the couch as she said that
“Cool” I said as Frank walked into the kitchen and switched the jug on
“Good morning” he said with a huge ass grin on his face, I just stared at him disgusted
“Oh Mikey don’t look at him like that” Zeah said as she sat down next to me, I just stared at her
“Okay Zeah you ready to get your stuff” Gerard said as he walked into the lounge
“Yeap, sure am” she hoped off the couch and to the front door while Gerard walked over to Frank and whispered something in his ear and then kissed him (I am never going to get those images out of my head now, that would serve me right for opening his door when I knew perfectly well they were in there), I looked back over at Zeah she smiled sweetly her face back to the way it was this morning, she opened the door and walked out onto the pavement and then Gerard followed closing the door.