All You Need to Do Is Observe

Almost Normal

Mikey’s POV:

Frank and I were getting ready to go back to the hospital to see Gerard and maybe hopefully today I could see Zeah. When we got to the hospital (Frank driving again though he wasn’t suppose to) Frank went straight to Gerard’s room while I waited at reception
“Excuse me?” I stood at the reception desk and asked the women over the desk
“Yes love, what do you need?” she asked very nicely, almost in a grandmother kind of way
“Umm… I was wondering if I could see Miss. Calaelen?” I had made sure to remember her last name
“Miss. Calaelen, oh yes she came in yesterday with Mr. Way and then went into surgery, Yes here she is, Zeah Calaelen, if you would like to follow me I can take you to her” she said though half of it sounded like it was directed at herself,
“Sure” I followed her down the hall, actually many halls and then finally stopped at a door, I was guessing Zeah was inside this room, the lady opened the door and there she was.

Zeah was lying on her back on a perfectly white hospital bed with twice as many needles and tubes coming out of her than Gerard, though she looked beautiful lying there, she looked really peaceful and happy just like the other morning, her black hair contrasted with the white sheets and her pale skin amazingly. I went and sat on the chair beside her bed while the lady who I’m guessing was also a nurse picked up her chart
“How is she?” I asked, you can never tell that someone is doing well by just looking at them
“She’s doing well, though she hasn’t yet awoken” the nurse said filliping through Zeah’s chart, there was a sense of worry in her voice at the end of her sentence
“Is she going to go into a coma?” I asked hoping the answer would be no, but I knew that it probably wasn’t going to be
“I’m sorry to tell you but there is a big chance she is already in one, though it does not look that serious. It says on her charts that she is going to go in for some scans today, which will tell us more about her condition.” I looked down at Zeah, she looked so peaceful I reached out and grabbed her hand and held it in mine
“Has anyone else come by to visit?” I asked, I knew nothing about her relationship with her parents, I don’t even know if they knew
“No, no one has been by, her parents were notified yesterday straight after the crash though” I looked up at her as she put the chart down, she was smiling
“Okay” I answered back, how couldn’t her parents not come to the hospital when their daughter had just been in an accident
“Well I’ll leave you to it” the nurse said as she left
“Thank you” I said after her
I looked back down at Zeah, I had wished the other morning that she would always look like this but I didn’t want it this way, I almost wish I had never thought that like this was some how my fault, well it kind of was if I hadn’t asked her to stay then she wouldn’t of needed to go home to get her stuff and then she wouldn’t have been in the accident, after 10 minutes I stood up and kissed her on the forehead
“Wake up soon please Zeah” I whispered to her before leaving and going up to Gerard’s room.

I grabbed us some coffee on the way, though it wasn’t the best stuff
“Coffee anyone?” I asked as I walked through the door to Gerard’s room, Frank was sitting up on the bed with Gerard
“Oh yes” they both answered simultaneously, I laughed to myself and gave them the coffee before sitting down on the arm chair next to the bed
“So how’s Zeah doing?” Gerard asked, looking up after sipping his coffee
“She stable but the doctors say she is in a coma, though not a serious one but they will have more information when they do scans today” I answered, both him and Frank looked sad after I told them, then silence fell over the room as we all drank our coffees
“So how is everyone this morning” Alice said happily as she entered the room
“Fine” Gerard answered with a smile on his face, I smiled up at her
“I see you’ve already got visitors” she said smiling (oh my gosh I didn’t think she could smile she always sound so emotionless) and looking at me and then at Frank
“Yeap, of course I do, if I didn’t some people would be in very big trouble” Gerard said as he grinned at Frank, he sounded more happy now that he was with Frank, it was great I hadn’t seen my brother this happy since we were kids
“Oh would we now?” Frank asked raising his eyebrows, I could tell what he mean but I didn’t really want to know what was going through his mind at this moment, and then Gerard leant over towards Frank and kissed him
“Yes really” he answered back at Frank, I looked over at Alice, she was wide eyed and looking very surprised, I laughed to myself which made both Gerard and Frank look at Alice they started laughing too
“So you and him are… umm… together?” she questioned cautiously pointing to Gerard and Frank, at this point we were all laughing
“Yes we are” Frank answered her trying not to laugh too much, she went bright red
“Oh that explains something’s” she replied, looking down at Gerard’s chart trying to hid her embarrassment, we were all still laughing for a few minutes afterwards
“It’s okay, I hope we don’t make you feel awkward or anything” Gerard asked
“No not at all, it’s refreshing” she answered
“What’s refreshing” they both asked at the same time
“Well most people who are in this hospital are always so… so… well they aren’t themselves and they don’t think anyone notices but I do and it’s really annoying sometimes” she replied smiling at us
“Is that why when you rang and when we first meet you, you sounded so emotionless and like you were made of stone?” I asked, I couldn’t help myself
“Yeah exactly” she answered
“Okay that explains it then, I though you were just heartless” I answered not noticing what i was saying
“Oh why thanks Mikey” she laughed to herself, yeah that did sound kind of mean but at least she didn’t take it to seriously, Gerard and Frank were laughing too
“Sorry” I said and smiled apologetically
“Well I have to leave you guys and go do my rounds, I’ll be back later, oh and don’t make too much noise others are trying to sleep” she waved and left us
“Nice going Mikey” Gerard said, I just pulled a face at him, and we continued talking about stuff like we always would.