All You Need to Do Is Observe

Time To Go Home

Gerard’s POV:

It’s been a week since the accident and I finally get to leave this afternoon, my parents have come to visit a few times, my father came in once but then he had to leave on another business trip, mum has come in everyday for the past four days though only for an hour or so. Frankie and Mikey have come in everyday after school until visiting hours are over; their visits are the only reasons I can stand this place, oh and Alice makes it easier, she’s really great and funny once you get past her cold and heartless exterior as Mikey said a few days back. I don’t see why I have had to stay here for the whole week, there was nothing really wrong with me I had a few cuts and bruises over my body and my wrist was fractured but nothing major, the doctors had done heaps of tests and everything but nothing else was wrong, but they still insisted on keeping me here, saying that my body maybe in shock and that they wanted to keep an eye on me, but no more now, I get to go home today and be with my Frankie, alone *insert naughty grin here*.

You know the hospital is really boring when you don’t have visitors, a few time I went down and visited Zeah, she was six floors down so I had to go down the elevator and I was still wearing the stupid hospital dress thing where you can see your backside through it, though I had gotten Mikey to bring me some clothing so I didn’t feel so naked whenever I went anywhere around the hospital. When I went to see Zeah she was always in the same place, lying on her back facing the ceiling, the doctors said from the results of the scans and tests that they did that she was in a coma but it wasn’t serious and she could wake up at any moment, they also said that she had more of a chance of waking up if she heard a familiar voice so I would sit on the chair next to her and talk to her about anything and everything, it felt really good getting things off my chest and I know it may sound weird talking to someone who won’t respond but there was a chance she could hear me, Mikey would also come down and see her when he came and visited me, he really likes her and wants her to wake up. It’s weird the other day I asked the nurse if Zeah’s parents had been around to visit her and the nurse said they hadn’t, which is really weird, I mean how can the parents of a child this great not come and see her when she had been in a car crash, they should have been the first ones to see her but no, it’s been a week and no sign of them.

~ 3:30 pm ~

Frankie and Mikey should be here any minute to pick me up, though neither of them should be driving so I’m guessing I’m driving home.
“You ready to go?” Alice asked as she checked my chart for the last time
“Yeap, just making sure I’ve got everything” I replied while looking around me
“Okay” she sounded kind of sad
“Oh hear is your lovely dress back” I said handing her the ugly hospital dress/rob thing. She smiled
“Why thank you, you know you could always keep them if you like, they suited you perfectly” I laughed and so did she
“I’m going to miss you around here, you know” she said sadly again
“I’m going to miss you too; you’re a great nurse and especially a great person. You know we could always go out somewhere outside the hospital” I suggested, she was a great person and I would love to keep in touch with her
“Yeah that would be great” she replied smiling, at this point Frankie and Mikey walked in and she added
“As long as these two come along” she looked at both Mikey and Frankie
“Come along where?” Mikey asked
“Oh we were just talking about going out outside of the hospital” I informed them
“That would be great” Frankie said grinning
“Well it’s not like you won’t be seeing us around” Mikey added looking really grim
“Oh yeah your friend Zeah” she added now everyone was looking really sad, just great this is suppose to be a happy time
“Come on guys turn those frowns upside down and smile” i know really cheesy but it made them all laugh, I patted Mikey on the back in a brotherly way and he winched, I looked him up and down and noticed a few bruises on him
“Mikey where are the bruises from?” I asked worried, he looked away from me
“They’re nothing don’t worry” he said and pulled away from me and looked towards Frankie
“Frankie?” I looked at him questioningly; he looked away from me, I walked towards him
“Frankie what happened?” something had happened to him, probably the jocks beating him because of me and now they probably all knew that Zeah was in hospital and that they wouldn’t be hurt for it
“Nothing, like Mikey said” he answered not looking at me, I put my hands at his hips and slowly pulled his shirt up,

“What the hell?” I shouted as I saw Frankie’s chest was covered in bruises some were yellow others looked really fresh like they were done that day
“It was the jocks wasn’t it?” I asked him staring him straight in the eye, he nodded and looked down at his feet, and I pulled him into a hug and held him
“I won’t let them hurt you anymore Frankie” I whispered in his ear