All You Need to Do Is Observe


Frank’s POV

Sugar was a great thing, nothing was better than sugar, except maybe Gerard. I had jumped off the couch a few minutes after he had left, he was so beautiful and amazing. Every time he looked at me he made my heart beat two times faster than normal, no one else ever did that to me.
He was the one that made me realise I was bi. The first time my eyes fell upon him I thought I had gone to heaven but that wasn’t what made me realise, no. That was my pants which became very tight all of a sudden, but luckily I was sitting on the couch with a pillow at hand which I quickly grabbed and covered up my embarrassment, he didn’t notice. So I’ve had a crush on Gerard for a year now, that’s the biggest reason I’m always around here, oh and that Mikey is my best friend.

I ran down the hall needing to go to the bathroom which was right next to Gerard’s room. I was nearly there when Mikey called my name,

“Frank” I tuned around at just the wrong time, I crashed into Gerard’s door and hit my head. I could hear Mikey laughing in the background.

“Shit that hurt” I said while sitting on the ground rubbing my head, at that Gerard opened his door, my god was he beautiful.

“What the hell” He said while looking down at me, my heart started beating twice as fast as normal. Actually now that was normal, well whenever I was near him anyway.

“Umm… I ran into your door, sorry” not knowing what to say, I just said anything that came to mind. I could feel the tension, there was always tension between us and it was always awkward. I hoped that wasn’t because he hated me. He smiled when I said that, I loved his smile,

“Did you say sorry to my door?” he said with a cheeky smile upon his face I laughed and apologised.

“Sorry Gerard’s door, I promise I won’t do it again” I giggled after I said this, giggled, me, I sounded like a girl. The tension seemed to have vanished, I just stared up at his amazing eyes for what seemed like forever, I could too stare into his eyes forever.

“Need a hand up?” he broke the silence and gave me his hand I had never touched him before. I raised my hand up and took his; they were so soft and kind of sweaty but who cares I Frank Iero touched him, Gerard Way.

“Thanks” I said to him as I stood up.
After I stood up I noticed how close I was to him, our faces were only an inch apart. My pants started to tighten, shit why now? Please not now, please but to no avail they were beginning to get tighter I had to do something before he noticed.

“Frank didn’t you need to go to the bathroom?” Mikey yelled down the hall, thank you Mikey.

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me Mikey” I yelled back to him, Gerard just stood there not moving a muscle.

“Well, umm… I’m going to go to the bathroom” the tension was back the moment after Mikey had spoken, but I didn’t care at that moment I just needed to get to the bathroom without Gerard noticing how excited I had become. As I finished the sentence I pointed to the bathroom and quickly slipped into it, closing the door behind me and locking it.

Thank god he didn’t notice, once I had got into the bathroom I undid my pants and sat down positioning myself. I slid my hand into my boxes and moaned softly, all the time thinking of Gerard and how amazing he was.