All You Need to Do Is Observe

Persecution and love

Frank’s POV:

I’ve been sitting on this couch since we got home which was about 2 hours ago.
I’ve been thinking about what happened at my house, I never knew that my dad had got like this.
I could never have believed anyone if they had told me, this wasn’t like my dad, he was a respectable god worshipping business man, this just wasn’t like him.
It’s all my fault, if I hadn’t told them, if I hadn’t made it so obvious (I didn’t think I had but my mother said she could tell), if I hadn’t been gay in the first place.
It is all my fault that my dad is a abusive drunken slob, I mean before he was a little abusive but he had never gone after me just because I was there, normally it was because I talked back, snuck out or made my mother worry because I hadn’t come home that night, but he never just came into my room looking for me to hit me, it just wasn’t right, it wasn’t him.
I knew that my father despised me… well no actually I didn’t know he despised me I always told people he did but I never really believed it, it was just something I said, like when someone tells their parents that they hate them, they don’t really mean it but they say it any way. But tonight I could tell that my father really did despise me, it was just something I said, now it was the truth and to tell you the truth, it is the worst feeling in the world to know that the people who raised you, who cared for you all your life and who expected you to make them proud now despised you and wanted to beat the living day light out of you. But this was only my father, my mother wasn’t as religious as my father actually she was only religious because my father was, I loved my mother no matter what and I know that she loves me too, she never cared that I was gay as long as I found someone who I loved and loves me and that I never told her what exactly we did together (you know what I mean), these were our terms and I shall always abide by them until death and further.

This is where Gerard comes into it, I think I do love Gerard I know he loves me because the other night he told me so though he didn’t know I was awake. At first it scared me but then I began to think about it and I began noticing how I felt around him, when ever I was around him my palms would get sweaty, my heart would race and I would become breathless, thought this is how anyone feels when they just like someone but when I’m around Gerard I feel safe, and secure almost invincible (though I wouldn’t purposely go and put my self in dangers way, but you get what I mean) and when we are together I don’t want to talk, all I want to do is be with him, just simply sit next to him with his arms around me or holding his hand, I love the feeling I get when I’m with him I feel happy for once in my life. I love Gerard Way. And one day I will tell him, when it’s right that is but only then.

“Frankie?” Gerard came and sat beside me and quietly said my name
“Yeah” I replied smiling, I wasn’t upset anymore I didn’t care about my father, I had Gerard and that’s all that matters (A/N: that's really chessy now that i read it)
“You okay babe?” Gerard asked me sounding worried
“Yeah actually I’m great” I replied happily
“Are you sure?” he questioned me still looking worried
“Yeah I’m sure, as long as you don’t leave me” I stared into his eyes
“Never Frankie, I will never leave you” he replied and pulled me into his embrace I wrapped my arms around him holding him tight, I felt safe
“Never” Gerard whispered in my ear one last time before he pulled away and kissed me gently on my forehead, I brushed away the hair from in front of his eyes and kissed his lips, he started kissing me passionately and pushing me down onto the couch until he was lying on top of me.
We continued making out for a few minutes and then we just lay there next to each other staring into each others eyes, he is so amazing, I love him so much, I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost him and hopefully I will never lose him, I feel asleep with these thought going through my head and Gerard’s arms around me, the best way to fall asleep.