All You Need to Do Is Observe

First Day Back

Mikey’s POV:

Today, the day I had to go back to school, was the worst day ever.

Let’s rewind back to this morning *rewinds*

-Beep, beep, beep-
I turned over and hit my alarm to turn it off, we had to go to school today, mother noticed we hadn’t gone to school in a week, after yelling at Gerard for a few minutes she informed us that we were going to school not matter what. Gerard wasn’t very happy, he thought she was being hypocritical, telling him he wasn’t being responsible and should act more like a role-model for Frank and I (she doesn’t know about Gerard and Frank yet), she was treating us all like children, that’s probably because that’s how she remembers us because she hasn’t been around to look after us, I mean Gerard has been the one looking after me for the past few years, she can’t say he hasn’t been a role-model.

Oh yeah so to carry on with the story, I went to Gerard’s and Frank’s room and woke them, I had got used to seeing them together though it made me jealous, I missed Zeah. I visited her everyday when I wasn’t at school; the doctors said there was no improvement in her brain functions but I knew she would come out of it, though it probably is more that I hoped she would come out of it.
We were late leaving for school and it wasn’t my fault this time, it was Frank’s, so in turn we were late for school, which drew attention to me when I walked into class late, everybody was staring at me and the jocks had these evil smirks on there faces.
During the whole class the jocks were staring at me and whispering to each other, it scared the living day lights out of me, I knew they were up to something, but I didn’t wait around after class to find out what it was, I ran straight to my next class which I had with Frank. We sat at the back, Frank was acting really paranoid, I had expected this for the first day but hopefully nothing would happen, hopefully.

Lunch time, the time in all happened.
We were sitting under the tree at the back of the school, we were trying to hide but I guess it didn’t work that well. About half way through practically all the jocks were walking towards us, I tried to stay calm but on the inside I was absolutely terrified, Frank actually looked terrified and probably felt it by the way he was shaking, whereas Gerard looked like he was ready for what ever they had coming.
The jocks surrounded us and then Dean stood out from the crowd and right in front of Frank
“So Fag I see your bodyguard isn’t around anymore” he said trying to sound godly
We all just ignored him, which made him even angrier
“Hey? Fag I’m talking to you” he said even louder
“What the fuck do you want?” Gerard stood up and said to Dean
“Oh look it’s the other Fag” he said and turned around smiling at his mates
“You have a problem with me?” Gerard said sounding really tough, but I knew inside he was scared shitless
“Yeah” Dean said before he punched Gerard right in the stomach, winding him and sending him to the ground, that’s when Frank stood up
“Hey what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Frank yelled before he knew what he was doing, some of the other jocks surrounded Frank and started beating him, that’s when I tried to pull them off him, but then three other jocks came after me and started punching and kicking me. I put up a fight and was winning for the first 5 minutes but then one of them tripped me up and I fell to the ground, that’s when they started kicking me and then I blacked out, I think I was kicked in the head.

That how I go to here, today, the day I had to go back to school, was the worst day ever.

At the moment I’m lying in the hospital in a coma.
I’m still processing thoughts in my head but I can’t see anything, I can only hear things that’s going on around me, I can hear many people moving and many machines at work around me, and also someone crying to the right of me, they were with the person who just came in, I don’t know who they are but I’m sure I’ll find out.

I think an hour passed before I found out who the person was beside me
“Gerard please wake up” I heard a faint voice plead, that’s when I realized it was Gerard, Gerard had also been beaten into a coma, I wonder if he can hear too?
‘Frank’ I tried to say but my mouth wasn’t moving it was so frustrating trying to say something but nothing coming out. Frank continued to cry
“Gerard please wake up, you have too” I continued to listen to Frank pleading with Gerard (there was nothing else to do)
“Please Gerard I love you” at this the heart monitor that was measuring his heart beat started beating faster, as far as I knew this was a good sign that Gerard was okay, I wonder if they know I’m okay? I mean they don’t know that I’m thinking these thoughts.
“Gerard I love you, please wake up” Frank began sobbing uncontrollably, then I heard his voice
“Frankie?” Gerard said faintly
“Gerard?” Frank said stopping sobbing
“I love you too” Gerard replied before coughing a few times, after this I just heard a small gasp of air and then silence (I wish I could see them at this moment).

Doctors and nurses continued to flow in and out of the room, checking on Gerard and I, I didn’t hear anything else from Frank or Gerard for the rest of the night, I fell to sleep after an hour or two, I know it sounds weird that a person in a coma fell to sleep though when they wake up you don’t notice, but that’s me, I’m weird.