All You Need to Do Is Observe

Bad times are over...

Frank’s POV:

This morning I woke alone for the first time in weeks, I didn’t like it, I miss Gerard.
So seeing as I was never going to school again and no one, I mean no one could ever make me go to that horrible place again, I went straight to the hospital to see Gerard and Mikey. When I got there Gerard was still asleep and Mikey was still in a coma, I went to sit beside Mikey and talk to him, I told him about how I told Gerard I loved him. I did love Gerard and as I stood beside his bed yesterday I remember thinking if anything happen to either Gerard or Mikey my life wouldn’t be the same, I remember seeing all the blood over Gerard’s clothes and I remember thinking he was going to die, I couldn’t stand this though, I just wanted him to wake up, I didn’t purposely say ‘I love you’ it just slipped out but I didn’t care that is how I felt and the moment was right and then best thing was that he woke up and said it back, I told all this to Mikey some how I knew he could hear me, I wish he would wake up, I’m sure he would wake up if Zeah did.

After talking to Mikey Gerard still wasn’t awake so I went to visit Zeah, I haven’t seen her in a few days; I didn’t visit as often as Mikey but then again I didn’t have the same feeling for her as Mikey does. I sat and talked to her for about half an hour and then decided I had told her everything that had happened, I had hoped she would wake up after she heard that Mikey was in a coma also but she didn’t. As I left Zeah’s room a little boy around the age of about 9 walked into the room, I stopped just by her door so he couldn't see me and listened in,
“Zeah, its Adam” I heard Adam, the boy say to her, who the hell is he?
“I’m sorry I haven’t visited you before now but you know mum and dad, they wouldn’t hear of it, I now see why you always hated them. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you more, I’m sorry I didn’t help you when I could see you needed it, I know that I probably wouldn’t have helped but you probably would have liked the gesture of someone caring, I’m sorry” His voice trailed off on the last few words, for what I could gather from what he said, I’m guessing he’s her brother and also that Zeah didn’t have the greatest relationship with her parents, after a few minutes of silence Adam spoke again
“Zeah life hasn’t been the same without you, it’s been horrible I never realized how much you protected me from mum and dad” Adam paused for a few seconds
“Zeah I need you” I could hear him sobbing a little as he finished his sentence.

About two minutes later a voice I thought I wouldn’t hear ever again said
“I’m here Adam” It was Zeah, she was finally awake!
“Zeah?” Adam responded between sobs
“Yeah Adam I’m here” she said again at this I took a step and leant against the door frame so I could see her, she looked up as I entered and smiled; Adam turned around and looked at me confused
“Frankie” she said in a calm almost dream like voice, even more dreamy than her normal voice
“Glad to see you’ve finally woke up” I say to her, she just smiles
“Frankie this is my little brother Adam, Adam this is my friend Frankie” she introduced me the Adam, even though she just woke up from a coma she seems to remember everything and be totally fine
“Hi Frankie” Adam said as he wiped away the last on his tears
“Hi there” I replied with a smile, I walked over towards the chair at Zeah’s beside (Adam was sitting on the edge of her bed) and sat down. Adam’s cell phone rang, he answered
“I’m at the library mum; I told you I was going after school remember?”
“No I’m fine I don’t need picked up”
“No mum! I’m fine I can get home by myself”
“Mum! I’m fine!”
“Mum! Mum!” this is where the conversation ended; I think his mother hung up on him
“Shit she’s picking me up at the library in ten minutes” he said to Zeah, the library is only a five minute drive away but he wouldn’t make it if he ran
“I can give you a lift” I say trying to be helpful, I’d do anything for him since he was the one who woke Zeah up, and that must mean he means a lot to her, Adam looked towards Zeah for advice at which she nodded her head
“Thanks man” Adam said to me
“Sweet we better so now if you want to make it” I reply, he grabs his jacket and then we head for the door
“I’ll be back soon” I say to Zeah, I hate to leave her when she has just woken up
“Okay I’ll still be here” she replies as we leave.