All You Need to Do Is Observe


Gerard’s POV:

It was 1 pm and I still hadn’t seen Frankie today, I hope something bad hadn’t happened to him, I hoped so much.
I had woken about 2 hours ago though it seemed so much longer, I had slept in quiet late, the doctor said it was probably because my body was very tired from trying to repair all the damage, he had said that I would feel like this until I was better and even a little while after, but I didn’t mind I love sleeping and this just gave me an excuse.
Last time I was in here I got really bored but there was always Alice around to talk to, but this time there was no Alice and I am extremely bored. I wish Mikey would wake but not just because I am bored and I want someone to talk to but also because I hate seeing him like this, he is practically a vegetable and I know he would hate seeing himself like this.

Another hour passed before I saw Frankie, he ran into the room saying something about waking up I didn’t quiet know what he was on about
“Frankie calm down, breath” I said as he stood at my bed side panting, he took two deep breaths
“Zeah-a-wake” he said in one breath- wait did he just say Zeah woke up?
“Zeah woke up!?” I repeated
“YES!” Frankie shouted, Oh my god this is fucking awesome
“Fucking awesome!” I said sitting up straight in bed
“I know, she’s been awake for a few hours sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up” he apologized to me
“Why are you apologizing she woke from a coma, I just woke from a nights sleep” I replied, he smiled
“I want to see her” I said looking for a doctor passing through the halls
“Are you allowed?” Frankie asked
“I have no idea but I’m going to one way or another” I said demandingly
“Okay then, but you’re going to feel a bit naked, aren’t you?” he asked looking me up and down, I grinned at him
“Nah I’m use to it, I thought you’d want to see me naked?” I questioned smirking
“Of course I do but I don’t want to have to share you’re nakedness with the rest of the hospital” he’s got a point there, but I don’t care I want to see Zeah
“Oh poor Frankie, I guess you’re going to have to stand behind me all the way then, because we’re going. Now” I finished standing up from my bed. I can’t believe I don’t hurt after being beaten that much yesterday; I guess I do have some good luck after all.

We waited until the coast was clear until we left the room; Frankie thought it was better if I wore his jacket so the hospital staff didn’t notice that easily, but I think it was so people could see my ass. Frankie lead the way since they had moved her after she woke up, it was pretty close to my room actually
“Here we are” Frankie said as we got to her new room
“Sweet” I said this as I entered the room, she was still as beautiful as the first day I saw her, her flawless pale skin, jet black hair, though it now had re-growth but this time she wasn’t wearing black from head to toe, she was wearing the same green hospital dress as I was, lucky her.
“Well hello there” she said in her normal dreamy voice
“Hello to you too” I replied smiling as I took a seat next to her bed, while Frankie sat next to her on the bed
“How are you?” I asked
“Fantastic” she replied looking really happy
“But… I heard that I have many things to be done when I get out of here” she replied looking really evil, I’m guessing Frankie told her about yesterday, I just grinned, I so wouldn’t want to be a jock right now or ever in fact.
“So where is Mikey?” She asked, well Frankie didn’t tell her everything, this maybe a little difficult
“Umm…” I started, she looked at me worryingly
“Gerard, Frankie” she said in a small almost childlike voice,
“Well yesterday with the jocks he kind of, well…” I started but couldn’t finish, I looked up at Frankie, who held Zeah’s hand and continued
“He umm… got really beaten up and he's in… a coma” as he finished I could see the sadness in Zeah’s eyes
“Great so I wake up but Mikey is in a coma” she said sounding rather angry
“You like Mikey don’t you Zeah?” Frankie questioned her, at which she shyly smiled
“That’s a yes” I answered for her, she grinned
“That’s great because he likes you too, he was always the one who was visiting you” Frankie said
“Really?” Zeah questioned, this is a side of her that I never saw, it was like she was a small girl who would be hurt by the slightest tap
“Yeah, you didn’t notice?” I asked
“No but I’m not the only one who didn’t know my friend liked me” she grinned, I looked up at Frankie and stared lovingly into his eyes, I’m glad Zeah came into my life or else I would’ve never got with Frankie, I think all I needed to do was observe.