All You Need to Do Is Observe


Zeah’s POV:

“Great so I wake up but Mikey’s in a coma” I reply to Frankie, this is just great, flipping fantastic I get out of a coma and the person I really want to see (nothing wrong with Frankie and Gerard, but I want to see Mikey) is in a coma as well
“You like Mikey don’t you Zeah?” Frankie asked me, I smiled, yeah of course I liked Mikey why wouldn’t I, he’s sweet and sensitive and so unlike me
“That’s a yes” Gerard answered for me, I grinned
“That’s great because he likes you too, he was always the one who was visiting you” Frankie said
“Really?” I questioned, I liked him but I didn’t know he liked me I hoped he did by the way he acted the morning before the accident but that was like two weeks ago,
“Yeah, you didn’t notice?” Gerard asked me, hypocritical really
“No but I’m not the only one who didn’t know my friend liked me” I grinned at Gerard who just looked up at Frankie, ewww sappy moment.

The doctor came in about an hour after Frankie and Gerard joined me, the doctor noticed that Gerard was a patient who wasn’t in his room so he was sent back to his room Frankie went with him, so I was left all alone. I asked the doctor if I could go and see them instead but he said he said that they have to finish the test and then he would see, these test are tiring every hour they come and check my pulse, blood pressure and then every four hours they take a blood test, I don’t see why they need to take a blood test every four hours.
So now it’s about 8 pm and I’m wide awake not even close to falling asleep and there is absolutely nothing to do, I’ve been sitting her for hours doing nothing just thinking over; my life and what has happened, my family situation (which I hate) and what I’m going to do when I get out of this hospital. I’m not going back to school, ever, my parents have no way of making me go, the only reason I use to go was to get away from them, but now I’m going to find a place where I feel safe, and that place isn’t school or my parents house, I need to find a job. But I will go to school for a few days before I leave it forever but only to get revenge, those jocks will pay, they hurt Gerard and put Mikey in a coma, they are so going to pay, I so wouldn’t want to be them.

~The next morning~

“Morning Zeah” I heard Frankie say happily as I awoke
“Morning” I replied still half asleep, when I opened my eyes I saw him standing there with the most ridicules smile on his face
“Why do you look so happy?” I asked the grinning Cheshire cat
“Because…” Great I am so not a morning person and he starts playing these stupid games
“Because why Frankie?” I asked purposely sounding really annoyed
“Fine then, since you sound like you’re about to thump me. Because you get to go home today and…” great home so fun
“For god’s sake Frankie spit it out” I shouted but it wasn’t an angry shout
“And you’re coming home with us. Gerard and I discussed it last night and you’re going to live with us” Holy shit this is fantastic, I’m going to leave my parents house and live with my friends this is like a dream come true
“Seriously?” I asked hoping to dear god that he wasn’t joking
“Yes I’m serious, that’s if you want to of course, but I have a feeling that you do”
“Of course I want to, what do you think I’m crazy?” Frankie gave me a sly smile, like he was thinking about my question (even though it was rhetorical)
“Frankie” I said playfully, that’s when he grabbed a bag that was on the floor and threw it at me
“Get changed you’re coming with me” he said as I looked at the bag, it had my favorite clothes in it,
“Where-“ I started but he answered my question before I could finish
“Your brother, I went by this morning and he was there, he helped me get some of your stuff” I smiled sadly, I didn’t want to leave Adam there by himself
“Come on get changed or do you want to stay here?” Frankie said demandingly
“No, can’t you give me some privacy?” he smiled and looked me up and down
“Sure, I’ll be outside” he said and closed the door behind him.