All You Need to Do Is Observe


Mikey’s POV:

I’ve been lying here absolutely motionless for 3 days now, do you know how boring it can get inside your own head, and I feel like I’m going insane. I hear everything that’s going on around here but I can’t do or see anything, so fucking annoying!
Yesterday was the worse though, I have no idea what time it was but I had been awake for a while listening to Gerard mumble to himself, when Frank came into the room shouting that Zeah was awake, then after a rather weird conversation about Gerard’s nakedness they left, and I didn’t have a clue what was going on for about an hour until they came back, it was absolute torture. When they came back they were talking about her and how happy she seemed and that she should come and live with us because Frank had meet her brother that day and he told him how horrible her parents where to her, this I thought was a fantastic idea but would be a bit weird having the girl I had a huge crush on living with us. After they had decided this they became really quiet and were whispering amongst each other as if they knew I could hear them, weirdoes, though I can hear them but they don’t know that.

Now I’m sitting here trying to wake my body up so I can go and see Zeah, you know it would be better if she came and saw me seeing as she is now awake, but why would she do that it’s not like she likes me like I like her. (A/N: wow that’s a lot of likes)
Man this is hard, it’s like I’m not even connected to my body, it’s like my mind and body are two separate things, so annoying! Wait… I think I can hear people (except for Gerard, who is breathing really deeply), they’re coming this way, I think it’s Frank and someone else but they’re not speaking.
The footsteps stop at the door and then one person walks towards Gerard’s bed probably Frank, but the other person is still at the door I think, I think I heard someone walking but I don’t think anyone could be that light on their feet
“Hi Mikey, how are you?” I heard the voice I have been waiting so long to hear say my name, I want to reply I do but I can’t my mouth won’t move
“I heard you came and visited me in hospital nearly everyday, thank you, I shall return the favor, but not because I think I have it’s because I want to…” great the guys told her, she must think I’m really pathetic or something, she paused for like a minutes or two, why?
“Mikey…” she whispered
“I like you, I need you, and I want to wake up with you next to me like the other morning” she finished. She said she likes me! Me! Zeah likes me! This would be a great time to wake up you know. Come on body wake up, WAKE UP! My god I hate my body.
Silence fell over the room until visitor hours were over, that’s when Zeah and Frank left or so I thought.

About an hour after Zeah and Frank went home I heard two sets of footsteps coming into our room and then I felt someone sit on my bed and the cuddle into me (yes I can feel just not move, it’s really annoying when I get an itch somewhere too), it was Zeah of course (it would be freaky if it wasn’t), I fell to sleep like this just how I had been imagining since her accident.


This morning I awoke to the blinding sight of absolute white all over the hospital, my god was it bright, and then I looked down and saw Zeah sleeping silently in my arms which were now wrapped around her body.
Hang on!
I’m awake! How did this happen? Who cares it’s great, except the white blinding hospital. I lifted my hand (oh how good was it to be able to do that again) and stroked Zeah’s head, she moved a little and then shot her head up
“You’re awake!” she shouted at me
“Yeah I am but now I think I might me deaf” I replied smiling and she poked her tongue out at me
“I’m glad that you didn’t those your sense of humor while you were asleep” she replied grinning
“I’m just glad you and me are both awake” I said, she smiled at me sweetly and then moved up the bed so we were at the same level. She leaned in slightly and looked into my eyes (shit I’m so nervous), I leaned in, closed my eyes and kissed her lips softly, she kissed me back and then we both pulled away and smiled at each other.
“We’ll look whose awake” came an all too familiar voice from across the room
“Who?” I asked sarcastically, he smiled and then got out of bed and came over towards mine, where he sat on the end of the bed
“So we are all finally awake hey?” Gerard said
“Yeap” I answered him
“Hey where’s Frankie?” Zeah asked, that’s when right on time Frank walked through the doors
“Frankie!” Zeah shouted, wow she’s like on a sugar high or something
“Oh you guys having a reunion without me?” Frank said as he ran and jumped onto the bed
“Oft, my god Frank do you have to jump so hard?” I don’t know how that works but it does
“Yeap, I’m just making sure neither of you go back to sleep” he was grinning from ear to ear, everyone was actually, I’m guessing this is one of those moments in life that you’ll always remember, for me it would be the happiest moment of my life. For the next five minutes everyone sat silent until we all just started randomly laughing, I guess it was again due to our happiness, happiness can do weird things to people especially to those who aren’t use to it.