All You Need to Do Is Observe


“Weird” I replied to Frankie’s mysterious phone calls
“Yeah” he replied absentmindedly, I walked towards the marvelous coffee machine and started making coffee, oh glorious coffee.
“Hey you want some?” I asked pointing at the coffee and looking at Frankie
“Yeah that’ll be great” he said as he sat at the breakfast bar and rested his head in his hands
“What’s up babe?” I inquired
“Oh nothing, I was just wondering how everyone knew to call here” he said while raising his head slowly
“Your mum probably, she may not know you live here but you were always around here all the time anyway” I replied
“Yeah probably but also the weird phone call just before when there was no one on the other line” he said looking confused and I think a little weirded out
“Maybe you have a stalker” I smirked, though he didn’t think it was so funny
“What’s up babe?” I swear I have already asked this question
“I was just thinking about Neil’s proposal” he said, it thought it was a great idea for Frankie, I mean now that he doesn’t have to go to school and the fact that he loves playing his guitar it sounds perfect for him, though I didn’t get around to saying that earlier *insert cheeky grin here*
“Aren’t you going to say yes?” I asked him
“Well after you say yes I was but now…” he trailed off
“Well I do say yes, but now what?” I questioned
“But now what about all the craziness that comes with being in a band, what if we get big and I’m always away and what about the crazy stalker people famous people get?” Frankie asked, I think he was more asking himself than me
“I know you’re good Frankie but there is a good chance you may not get big, just don’t think about what happens when you get big, just think about making the music and having fun, okay?” I replied supporting
“Yeah, we may not even get big, I was just thinking about it all too much that's all, thanks babe” he said and smiled and then came over towards me and hugged me
“Now where’s my coffee?” he smirked
“Coming right up Princess” I smirked back at him as I poured and handed him his coffee and got my own.