All You Need to Do Is Observe


This morning I awoke to Mikey flying my door open

“Gerard it’s time to get up and go to that lovely place called school” I don’t think he couldn’t have said it in a more sarcastic voice. I smiled to myself and shouted back at him,

“It’s too early to get up mummy” Mum of course wasn’t home because along with working late she also went to work at the crack of dawn. I smiled then turned over to look at my alarm clock 7:00, why the hell is he up so early? Instead of thinking to myself I decided to ask him.

“Why the hell are you up so early?” but he was already in the kitchen, probably to get some coffee. He drinks way to much of that stuff, I swear if were to take it away from him he would probably go crazy.

“Hey Frank” I called after him while sitting up in bed, I had just seen him disappear into the bathroom.

“Yeah” he answered now standing at my door,

“Why are you guys awake so early?” at this point I was still half asleep. Frank was looking me straight in the eyes but only held his gaze for a few seconds before looking at the floor blushing a little. I didn’t think anything of his blushing as I was more occupied with thinking about how amazing his eyes were. Frank snapped me out of my thoughts

“I don’t know, Mikey just woke up early and then made me get up as well” he said this while turning around looking at Mikey. Who was standing at the end of the hall looking like he was ready to run and jump on me. Frank must have read my mind because he said exactly what I was thinking,

“Umm… I think you better get up before he comes and jumps on you” he said this with a huge grin on his face too. I immediately jumped out of bed I was only wearing my boxes, not that it mattered to anyone.

“I’m up, I’m up, just don’t jump on me” I yelled down at Mikey with my hands in the air, who just pouted and walked back into the kitchen. While I was yelling at Mikey Frank seemed to have swallowed something the wrong way,

“Are you okay Frank?” I asked.

“Yeah - I’m fine” he didn’t seem fine, seeing as he said this he was bent in double coughing, but he said he was so I’m sure he’ll be alright soon.

“Okay” I replied as I grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor and pulled them on, when I stood up I noticed Frank had gone back into the bathroom.

That was weird, this time when Frank and I were talking it wasn’t as awkward as normal, actually it wasn’t awkward at all. I stood there puzzled for a second then looked back down at the pile of clothing in the corner of my room. I needed to do some washing but I just grabbed the cleanest t-shirt I could find and threw it on. I was always wearing basically the same thing; jeans and a black t-shirt. It was great I never wasted any time over thinking if I looked okay because I simply didn’t care. I quickly ran a comb threw my hair and walked out of my room.