All You Need to Do Is Observe

A Naked Frank Solves Everything

Mikey’s POV:

What the hell happened? She said she loved me… right? I’m pretty sure she did. And I think I said it back. If we did say that then why am I lying alone on my bed staring at the ceiling?
I don’t know why are you/I?
What the hell? I’m talking to myself?
No it’s your grandmother
Great I’m talking to my sarcastic self, that’s a lot of help
And so is staring at the ceiling
Shut up, aren’t you suppose to help me?
Who ever said I was suppose to help you?
You are me, so if you help me you are also helping you
Yes you would be right, my contribution to you is you should find Zeah and kiss her
Is that it?
Yes, what else did you expect
I Don't know a little more than that at least
And what’s your contribution Mr. Ungrateful?
Um… maybe I should talk to Frank or Gerard
Yeah that’s right go to someone else for help, you’re good at that
Shut it!I really don’t like you. I’m not going to listen to you anymore
Okay fine then see if I care.
Right, bye. See you never.

I got up off my bed after arguing with my rude self when I heard a scream
“What the hell?” I walked out of my room and towards where the scream had come from, I guessed that it had been Zeah since it was a kind of girly scream… but then again it could have been Frank – he screams like a girl. I stood at Gerard’s door and saw Zeah lying on the floor like she had just fallen off the bed, Frank was sitting up with the covers gathered tightly around him.
“Mikey” Frank greeted me with a sneaky smile
“Do not remove those covers” I said and pointed at them
“Wise move” Zeah replied and looked up at me with her beautiful eyes, I smiled at her
“Hey it’s not my fault that you decided to wake me up by pulling the covers off of me” Frank said in retaliation to Zeah’s comment
“Why didn’t you have pants on” asked Zeah before she had thought about the question properly, I quickly added before Frank could speak
“I don’t think you want to know the answer to that” Frank was smiling mischievously, Zeah looked from me to Frank and then…
“EWWW!!!!” She shouted and jumped up and ran over to me
“That’s gross, gross, gross, gross!” then she buried her head in my chest, I smiled to myself and stroked her hair
“Don’t worry I’ll protect you from the dirty old man” I said and then heard a voice from behind me
“Talking about me when I’m not here are you?” Gerard said from behind me
“Oh god, you were… and I was… and he was… that’s just… EW!” Zeah said unable to finish her sentences, I think she was getting some serious mental images
“Yeap, I was, and you were, and he was” Gerard said as he slip past us into the room
“Come sit down” Frank said as he patted the bed Zeah’s head popped out and turned around
“Oh no I’m not sitting on that bed” she replied with a disgusted look on her face
“Don’t worry we didn’t do it in the bed” replied Gerard she looked confused and she was about to open her mouth when I put my hand over it
“I don’t think you want to ask that question” I said as she stood for a second and then went wide-eyed, I uncovered her mouth
“I think you’re right” she whispered to me and smiled
“Well if you two don’t mind I need to get change, unless you want to watch me?” Gerard said and Zeah let go of me and ran down the hall screaming ‘bad mental images’ I turned to Gerard and laughed
“I take that as an insult, she’s going to pay when I’m changed” Gerard said to Frank as I laughed and pulled the door closed.

I walked down the hall and towards the lounge to where Zeah had gone, as far as I know everything was fine now.
“Zeah” I called to her when I couldn’t see her in the lounge
“Yeah yah” she replied standing behind me, I turned around standing only a few centimeters in front of her. She stood there looking down at her hands then after a few moments she looked up at me, her eyes full of emotion
“I did tell you I loved you didn’t I?” she asked her voice soft and sweet, I nodded
“And you.. you said you loved me too, didn’t you” again I nodded and a huge grin swept across her face, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me, it was a kiss I would never forget.