All You Need to Do Is Observe

Mikey's Turn

Mikey’s POV

I was sitting at the breakfast bar waiting for my coffee to finish brewing, I love coffee. I don’t know what I would do if the world ran out, but there is so much of the stuff I know they won’t. Gerard walked into the kitchen staring at me,

“You know that coffee isn’t going to magically pour itself” like normal he said this in a sarcastic tone, that seemed to be the way with us. One of us makes a sarcastic comment just for the other to respond the same way,

“Oh, really?” Gerard just rolled his eyes knowing exactly what I wanted, which was for him to pour the coffee. I mean he was going to have a cup as well and he was closer to the cups.
After he was done rolling his eyes at me he grabbed two cups from the cupboard and poured the coffee. Then handed me one as a smile stretched across his face, it wasn’t a sarcastic smile either like normal. It was just a normal everyday smile one of which I hadn’t seen for a long time.

I sat there sipping my coffee when Gerard asked me a question

“So why did you wake up so early?” I wish he hadn’t asked me. I had had a bad dream one of which I did not want to think about let alone talk about. I told him why but I wasn’t about to go into detail.

“I had a bad dream and then couldn’t get back to sleep” as I said this I stared down into my coffee. I couldn’t look Gerard in the eyes because my dream had been about him, him dying along with Frank and my parents. I hated having those dreams, losing my friends and family was my worst fear ever but I never told anyone.

“What’s up?” Gerard asked taking a sip of coffee I could see he was concerned. He was my big brother he was supposed to be but I didn’t want him to laugh at be so I just brushed it off like all the other times.

“Nothing, it’s nothing to worry about just a stupid dream” I got up off my stool looking at the floor.

“Well I better start getting ready; don’t want to wake up early just to be late, hey?” I tried to change the subject away from my bad dream, it seemed to work.

“If you want I could give you and Frank a lift to school” I know he only offered because he was concerned. I was going to take it anyway it was better than taking the bus and anyway he goes to the same school, I don’t know why de doesn’t always give us a lift.

“Yeah that would be great, thanks” I smiled at Gerard and then walked down the hall to tell Frank, I couldn’t be bothered trying to find him so I just yelled out.

“Hey Frank, Gerard is going to give us a lift to school”,

“Sweet” Frank said popping his head out of the bathroom, he was still in there? I had been in the kitchen for at least 10 minutes, how long does it take for him to get ready?

I went into my room and started picking up all my school stuff from the floor. It was amazing how all my stuff had become scattered over my room in just two days, I’m sure Frank helped with that.
I’ve noticed over the last few months that Gerard and Frank were acting weirdly around each other. I mean last night was just another example, they didn’t know I saw them standing like an inch apart from each other practically frozen to the spot.

“Hey, so Gerard is going to give us a lift?” I jumped slightly when I heard Frank behind me, I didn’t even hear him come in I was so occupied with my thoughts.

“Yeah he is you ready?” he looked ready but you never know he always manages to make us late no matter how ready he is.

“Nearly just have to find all my stuff” he said while searching the floor for his stuff. I thought my stuff was everywhere but compared to Frank mine were sorted, whereas his were all over the house not just my room.

“Well you better hurry because Gerard doesn’t like to wait” when I had finished my sentence I picked up my eyeliner and walked over to the mirror to apply it.

“Yeah I’ll be ready; we still have like 15 minutes until we have to leave anyway”,

“I know we have heaps of time but you usually mess around, then we have to run out of the house to catch the bus in time” I said this as I finished applying my eyeliner and turned around to face Frank.

“I don’t mess around and anyway we woke up like an hour earlier than normal, so how could I possibly make us late with that much time to get ready?” he said that in a very matter of fact tone. I knew he would make us late some how

“Oh trust me you’ll find a way” I said this while leaving the room; he always found a way to make us late.