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This Is Not What I Expected When You Sent Me To A Boarding School!

Chapter Twenty: Time Jump

Now, it's Christmas and New Years break. The school year has flied by so fast. Ayden and I are closer than ever. He's so sweet and funny. Ryan has been either avoiding me or trying to humiliate me this whole time. I don't know why. I think he hates me now. Doesn't even like me anymore.

With my new skills as a Vampire, I am way better at sports and video games than I was before. I'm starting to learn Sorceress spells. So far I can control the weather, control emotions, and stop time. It's pretty cool if you ask me.

As for those dreams I've been getting from my Grandfather and Alyssa's Grandmother, I have had only one, since the first. It was them warning me that Ayden was bad news and that I should be dating Ryan. That was around Halloween. Of course, I didn't listen to them. Ayden would never do anything to hurt me. And Ryan's a huge jerk, I don't know why I should date a jerk. Do you? Exactly! There is no reason to!

I haven't seen my father at all since September. All I know is that this Vamp/Were War is still going on and no one is winning. Many people, or rather Vampires and Werewolves are dying. It's quite sad.

I am visiting my mother and Melissa for Christmas and Ayden is coming with me. I'm so excited! My mother told Melissa about everything with the supernatural beings, whole new planet, and our father being alive. She's excited. She can't believe that she's part Vampire, part Sorceress. She hasn't developed anything yet. your not supposed to until your sixteen. Melissa's almost fifteen.

Talking about years, I'm going to be seventeen in a couple of weeks. I was born on December 31st, 1992. I can't wait! The school year's half way over, and I am positive that Ayden is right to rule the throne with me. I mean, we've been dating for four months now and he's a Vampire. This might seem sort notice and all, but I think I love him. I've never been so happy in my life!

Well, tomorrows the last day before break. I'm going to miss all my friends, but Ayden will be with me and he'll get to meet my mother and sister! I just wish my father was there too.
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I hope you liked it. Sorry for the huge time jump (from September to December) but I couldn't go on and on through those four months with nothing but Amber and Ayden falling for each other even more. It's kind of obvious that they would anyway. Well, message/rate please! Thank! :D