Coroner's Report

Author's Note

This story is based on the belief that death comes for you in the form of your happiest memory. I kind of warped that idea a little to fit my needs, but I'm still happy with the story. I know it's a little fucked up, simply because Jeremy is so young, but I couldn't have done the story any other way. The language and simple descriptions of kids was perfect for the story. Yes, I considered doing it with and old man, but that would have taken a long time. Maybe I'll still try that...

Jeremy doesn't fully understand he's dead, even when he reaches his afterlife in the end. Just clearing that up...

I in no way enjoy the death of children and I am not making fun of it. I am simply attempting to illustrate a child's innocence even under the greusome circustances of death.

Thank you for reading.Hope you enjoyed it. =]