Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

Searching For That Something More (Take A Breath)



It had been a long twenty two years of life; then again it might have just been a really long night, after all I was only starring at a computer screen for countless hours with a blank mind, and not a single idea of what this book was about. Here I was at two in the morning; this is where procrastination brought me once again, my computer on my lap, a pile of spark notes beside me, and a trashcan full of empty Red Bull cans. It’s amazing how all this time had flown by, only two hours ago I was a sentence back then where I was now. I had become bitter, I was tired and grouchy due to lack of sleep, and I was also feeling alone in this empty cold apartment. My best friend Audrey and I, had thrown enough money together after high school to buy a nice affordable apartment in LA, while we attended UCLA. Now only five years after throwing our graduation caps in the air, I was pursuing a medical career, and she was pursuing a musical career, and LA just happened to be the perfect place to let those dreams come true. Both Audrey and I got a job two years ago at Hollywood Records as assistants. Audrey needed it because it gave her connections, I needed the extra cash and music was my hobby, so working was really playing.

I stretched my back while yawning and then glanced at the clock to notice Audrey was running late on her date, she told me she would be home by one in the morning at the most, but now it was 2:30AM and she was no where to be seen. I sat up straight hearing the door knob of the front door shake and Audrey walk in winded, angry, and bitter.

“I give up on dating!” Audrey growled slamming the front door shut and kicking off her heels.

“Stupid guys” She continued, throwing her jacket on the couch, I sat quietly listening to her dispute with life and then she glanced up to stare at me questionably.

“What are you doing up so late? Don’t you have a calculus exam early in morning?”

I frowned remembering the morning exam I had, I didn’t look forward to it and now that she mentioned it I get to have nightmares about it, which didn’t make too happy about sleep.

“Book report” I sighed in exasperation typing a few lines referencing back to the first chapter.

“I told you not to procrastinate” She scorned pulling her hair back into a messy bun.

I rolled my eyes annoyed by her mood, I took another sip from my fifth Red Bull, and following with a sharp breath.

“That’s what Spark Notes are for” I smirked holding up the thick pile of papers.

“Sure, they’ll get you far” She mumbled going into the kitchen and opening the fridge. She looked around and then I knew something had gone wrong on her date.

“How was your date?” I asked yawning once again, my body was about to give and my mind was about to spontaneously combust, if I had to talk about these boring characters one more minute I would dig up and engrave my own tombstone for free.

“I don’t want to talk about it” Audrey spoke aggravated, her face turned into disgust and she shivered grabbing a beer from the fridge and popping the lid off.

“It couldn’t have been that bad” I frowned, what had happened, that Audrey didn’t want to tell me about? I thought, but then my mind wandered somewhere else and I found myself considering skipping English to have an extra day to finish the report. Never again will I wait till the last minute.

“The ass couldn’t keep his eyes where their meant to be” Audrey stated with some uneasiness in her voice, she then too a large gulp from the bottle. I starred at her to notice her face didn’t have a single expression on it, not a sign, as if she were trying to cover something up. I continued starring but then shrugged it off. If Audrey didn’t tell me then it was obviously not important. I looked down at Audrey’s feet to notice swelling and blisters, had she walked home?

“Did you walk home?” I asked curiously. Audrey’s head shot up and she starred at me looking away nervously.

“I, yes I did” She cleared her throat and drank more of her beer, in faster and larger gulps.

“Are you okay?” I asked moving the computer aside; I could care less about the report by this point, my best friend looked miserable and tormented.

“I’m so sick of even trying to get involved in a relationship” She groaned in dismay running her fingers through her hair and taking another swig at the bottle. Her bottom lip quivered a little bit, causing her to bite down on it hard and close her eyes.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked concerned opening the fridge, a beer sounded much better then another can of Red Bull. So I happily took a bottle and popped the lid off taking a large sip.

“You shouldn’t drink before an exam” Audrey frowned sitting down at one of the high chairs by the counter. She leaned down on her arms and just sighed shaking her head slowly.

“Look just cause one ass hole ruined a date, you shouldn’t give up on all guys” I encouraged sitting beside her and patting her arm. She looked up her eyes red and glistening with tears.

“You haven’t dated since you were 20, what about you?” She turned her head, and I had to take a deep breath in.

“He hurt me more than anyone in the world, right now the only important thing to me is college and my future ok?” I stood up from the high chair and drank as much of the beer as I could and poured the rest down the drain, I wanted to end the night already.

“You shouldn’t give up either” Audrey turned her head and straightened out. She sniffed and took in a large deep breath and forced a smile.

“We both shouldn’t give up” She corrected still smiling throwing away the empty beer bottle. I stood quietly while she turned around and starred at me.

“I mean our lives are going somewhere, and somewhere along the path we’ll stumble onto the right guy. We’re always searching for that something more, right?” She questioned, I nodded nibbling the inside of my cheek, she had a point, just because one guy made me miserable I shouldn’t give up on dating.

“Look at you, one of the top students of your class, your going to enter the medical field with flying colors, me and my career I’m getting there, I’m getting called by several contacts and in no time I’ll be up there on the chain” Audrey laughed nudging my shoulder, I laughed and smiled rolling my eyes.

“Now kiddo, go get some sleep or you’re going to fail your exam” Audrey laughed hysterically making me playfully glare at her. This was really weird and awkward, she was trying way to hard to lighten the mood.

“Kiddo?” I frowned while she continued to snicker.

“You are younger then me, now go sleep” She pushed me lightly toward my bedroom. I took a few steps and then stopped to turn around and stare at her. Her smile had pulled down into a hurt frown and she closed her eyes.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, Audrey again forced a smile and nodded.

“Yes Sammy, goodnight” I stood there a few more seconds starring at Audrey, I was really worried and curious what could he have possibly done to upset her so much? But before starting an argument bigger then the situation I nodded and smiled.

“Goodnight Audrey” I spoke walking toward my room and then toward my bed. When I had reached my bed I didn’t even want to take off my makeup I was so tired, I just collapsed onto the mattress and closed my eyes, this night it only took me a few minutes to drift off into a deep sleep.

I sat in my classroom getting whistled at by guys, and then I realized the classroom was only filled with guys. I starred awkwardly at everyone while they all continued to whistle and laugh. Several howled, and when I glanced down I had a calculus exam in front of me. My teacher Mr. Demetrius stood at the front of the class yelling at me. I blushed a cherry red getting all of the attention and then I realized I was completely naked, so before it even clicked I screamed a bloody murder covering myself up, all the guys continued to whistle and slowly everything blurred.

“Wake up!” I heard Audrey shriek at the top of her lungs.

“Your late for your exam you idiot!” I shot up from the bed covered in sweat; it was just a dream, a really bad dream.

“Go!” Audrey lifted me up from bed and pushed me toward the bathroom.

“Hurry up Sammy!” Audrey yelled closing the door; I starred at the mirror a pale white thinking about the dream, what the hell was that about? Then I looked at the clock and shrieked. Ok Sammy, no biggie just take a breath and chill. Then I noticed I was running twenty minutes late, causing me to forget about that breath. I didn’t even put on makeup, I just got changed, brushed my teeth and combed my hair and ran out the front door. It was pouring rain and I screamed miserably running toward the car drenched. I opened the door and slid into the seat putting the key in the ignition and zooming out toward the college. I don’t even know how I made it to the front, oh right, I went about twenty-five miles over speed limit, and passed red lights, that’s how I made it. I quickly got out of the car and sprinted into the school and toward class. Finally I opened the door and Mr. Demetrius was handing out the test.

“Nice for you to join us Miss. Levi” Mr. Demetrius spoke bitterly, I quickly walked toward a desk and Mr. Demetrius stood starring at me astonished.

“You’re making a mess, why are you so wet? Haven’t you heard about an umbrella” The class snickered and worked on their exams, I wanted to sink in my seat and melt into a puddle. Is it possible to die from embarrassment? And what had crawled up his ass and died, I was surprised he could still walk with that stick up so high. Mr. Demetrius was in a bitter mood and that didn’t make me too happy, that meant grading was going to be harder, and a lot meaner. He slapped the exam on the desk and glared at me.

“Next time show up dry and early to my class, or you won’t be taking an exam” Mr. Demetrius whispered angrily walking away. I sank a little in my seat and grabbed a pencil chewing nervously on it. I didn’t have a good feeling about this. I took a deep breath reading the first problem causing my eyes to widen and my heart to race. I didn’t remember this, didn’t he say the exam was going to be on chapter nine not a review of the year.

I raised my hand catching the eye of Mr. Demetrius who huffed angrily and forced a smile.

“Yes Miss. Levi is there a dilemma?” He asked sarcastically making me put on a sour face, can we say jerk off?

“Yes Mr. Demetrius, I thought you said the exam was going to be on chapter nine not a review of the whole year” I frowned glancing at the paper while he laughed and smirked darkly.

“Well you should still remember everything we have done in the year, and chapter nine is on the test” I flipped through the pages glaring at each individual problem.

“It’s the last two problems on the test” He smiled crossing his arms; I looked up and starred at him.

“But that means 98 problems are on previous chapters” The classroom by this point was just glaring at me for disrupting their peace and quiet.

“That sucks for you now doesn’t it?” Mr. Demetrius snickered walking over to his desk sitting down. The class laughed and quieted returning to their test. There it was Mr. Demetrius should go down in history for being the biggest ass in the world, what kind of sick joke was this? The test was 30% of the final grade, and that clearly meant failing it would be about the worst thing I could do. I leaned back in my chair trying to steady my breath and calm my nerves. I tried concentrating on the test but everything seemed to blur off into a haze. I wanted to smack my forehead clear on the desk and curse my life and stupidity.

“Problems Miss. Levi?” Mr. Demetrious smirked victoriously leaning back in his chair entwining his fingers together. I hated the way his smile climbed up in a satisfied grin.

“None what so ever” I spoke starring back at the test.

“Ass” I muttered, Mr. Demetrius shot up from his chair and paced to my desk slapping his hands in front of me covering my test.

“What did you say Miss. Levi?” He questioned spitefully, I smirked, and I felt bold today so I climbed to my feet and smiled at him.

“Ass” I stated this time loud and clear for him to catch the hint. His lips fell into a frown and he snatched the test up from the desk and smiled darkly tearing it in half.

“F” He smiled even bigger making me laugh.

“Got A’s for the two quarters, I’ll finish with a B” I smiled grabbing my books. The class was dead silent and Mr. Demetrius starred at me astonished, I was the first person to stand up to him.

“Have a nice weekend” I waved politely opening the door and exiting quickly out of the classroom, did I really just tell my mean calculus teacher off? I think I did, I laughed the funny thing is instead of panicking about my grade I shook it off and remembered I had to meet Audrey at Starbucks to have breakfast and head off to work. I smiled, today should be an interesting day, after all, I was on a roll.
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Hey guys!! me and my bestie gigglygirl wrote this story together! I hope you enjoy, I am posting two chapters before July 15 to give everyone a taste of what to expect :) Feedback is always nice, so don't feel bad to send a message or post a story comment :) And if you like the story enough don't be shy to subscribe :) Thanks for reading!!!