Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

I'm So In Love You!



Sammy’s POV

I laid up hearing giggling and laughing. I looked down at a sleeping Nick who groaned flipping over on his side and reaching out his arms wrapping them around me. My eyes widened to the size of golf balls as I tried to push him away, but he managed to pull me tight to his chest. The laughing from the other room persisted.

“Stop it Joe!” Audrey yelled behind laughter, my eyes widened what the hell were they doing?!

Nick’s arms tightened around me his hand resting on my lower back. I starred at him with disbelief; I guess this whole heavy sleeper thing runs in the Jonas family.

“Audrey!” Joe yelled I tried to fight out of Nick’s clutch; I wanted to know what was happening! But when I put my arms down Nick pulled me in even tighter into his chest, my arms became stuck under his grasp and I was unable to move, I wasn’t complaining, this was nice, if only he were conscience and not dreaming of some bimbo. Nick’s hand that was resting on my lower back began to slide up making me blush a cherry red while my heart beat quickly within my chest. It was amazing how his touch felt, and what it did to me, one second I was aware of everything, and the next the only thing that existed was him.

“Nick” I whispered taking in a sharp breath when his hand trailed along my waist, if he didn’t wake up right now I would totally faint.

“Nicholas” I stated a little louder, I squirmed a little making him lean down and nuzzle into my neck, my eyes shot open as I felt his breath hit my neck along with his warm lips. He finally loosened his grip while I ran my fingers through his hair, I couldn’t help it.

“Nick” I felt him stir then he quickly moved turning a bright red. He pulled his hand from my waist and removed his face from my neck starring up at me concerned.

“I am so sorry, you have no idea, I’m a really heavy sleeper, God I am so sorry” Nick rambled sitting up straight, I couldn’t help but laugh, I turned bright red falling over onto his bed still cracking up. Nick starred at me confusedly.

“It’s alright, really” I smiled up at him, his hair was all disoriented, his curls falling in different places making me giggle. Other then that it was bright enough to see his perfectly built chest. I couldn’t help but blush. When I looked up Nick was biting down on his lip. I sat up resting on my legs while he continued to stare at my face looking down at my lips, my heart rate increased when he slowly moved forward inching closer to my face. I moved back until my back hit the wall and his hand was beside my head. He smiled leaning in close to my lips when a huge laugh erupted from Joe’s room. My eyes shot wide open and my heart felt like it was going to burst, I can’t believe he was going to kiss me! I sighed smiling while he leaned back standing up.

“We should probably go check on them” Nick rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, I nodded standing up, my legs felt lose under me and my knees buckled seeming as if I was going to collapse. Whatever I was feeling, it felt nice.

“Yea we probably should” I nodded opening the door while we both quietly tip toed toward Joe’s room. We then covered our mouths trying to our hold laughter back while we used our other hand counting off. Nick flung the door open and we sighed in relief to see Joe tickling Audrey who was turning a bright red.

“Nick! Get your brother off of me!” Audrey howled with laughter as she tired to push off Joe who continued to tickle her stomach. Joe laughed victoriously as he jumped off of the bed fixing his now ruffled hair. Audrey laid flat on her back breathing heavily still a bright red. She then jumped off smiling.

“I’m starving!” She stated glancing at me furrowing her eyebrows. I starred at her confusedly.

“And what do you want me to do about that?” I questioned frowning; Audrey laughed and nudged my shoulder.

“I want you to make me breakfast silly!” She continued to giggle making me growl.

“No, we have to go make sure that the boy’s photo shoot clothes are ready and dry cleaned, we also have to go make sure everything is set up for their interview with E!News” Audrey pouted crossing her arms over her chest.

“I’m serious Audrey, today is a really busy day, we’ll pick up some Starbucks on the way” I shook my head starring up at Nick who was trying to hold back laughter. Joe was rocking back and forth on his heels a smile creeping up onto his lips.

“You cook?” Joe asked raising his eyebrows, I nodded starring at him cautiously, he shrieked excitedly picking up Audrey and running out of the door. I stood in my spot absolutely confused.

“Joe’s a little happy, he hasn’t had a home cooked meal since a month ago when my mom invited us over for a family dinner” Nick stated while I nodded, then it clicked, damn it, I am going to have to cook.

“Joe! I’m not cooking breakfast, I’ll cook dinner! Me and Audrey don’t have time we have to leave the house now!” I yelled, I heard Joe whine and complain from the hall making me chuckle. Then Audrey appeared in the doorway huffing.

“Fine!” She stated marching off toward her room; I shrugged looking at Nick who was starring at hesitantly at me.

“I’ll talk to you two later” I smiled walking off feeling a small blush come onto my lips, why does he always do that!? I shook my head wandering off toward my room where I pulled out nice dark denim jeans and a blouse. I then grabbed my heels frowning, I hated these shoes. I went in the bathroom getting in the shower washing my hair and body. I felt the warm water eagerly burn through my skin, I shivered when I wet my hair. I smiled thinking about Nick and this morning, he almost kissed me, it almost happened. I laughed silently shampooing my hair; I can’t believe this is happening to me. I finished up in the shower walking out and quickly blow drying my hair straight. I quickly applied some makeup and got dressed. I walked out grabbing the I-Phone and sliding it into my purse.

“About time! I thought I was going to make it to a hundred!” Audrey randomly appeared making me shriek and stumble backward. My heel slipped and I fell onto my butt my hair falling in front of my face.

“Oh God! Are you ok!?” Audrey leaned down giving me her hand. I huffed while I took her hand and she pulled me to my feet.

“I hate these heels. And why do you always do that when I specifically ask you not to?” I frowned fixing my hair walking toward the steps.

“It’s enjoyable” I turned around to glare at Audrey who was shrugging. She smiled and I shook my head, she wore nice dark denim skinny jeans, with heels, and a really nice black blouse. Her hair was wavy and her makeup was dark but casual, very cute look! I shook my head walking down the steps to get whistled at. I looked to see Joe sitting on the couch smirking.

“Too bad Nick isn’t here” He howled, my eyes dilated and Audrey snickered from behind me. Joe quickly stood up from his seat looking at Audrey his mouth gaping open.

“Wow, Audrey you look” He began to stutter turning a bright red. I laughed walking down the steps and grabbing my car keys.

“Just say professional, Joseph” I shook my head looking around for my sun glasses. Audrey grinned coming down off the steps and flipping her hair practically making Joe pass out, guys, one girl passes by them and they go into cardiac arrest.

“Sammy?” I looked up to see Nick, my breath hitched into my throat, and I couldn’t speak. He had the same look on his face as Joe; oh jeez I don’t do well with compliments.

“You look great” He smiled, I laughed and blushed lightly.

“Thanks Nick” I turned to see Joe finally manage to stutter the words and Audrey thank him.

“Ready?” Audrey nodded while we walked to the front door.

“Alright boys, we’ll be back as soon as we can” We opened the door waving to them and closing the door behind us. I finally breathed from the encounter, this can’t be happening, not to me. I looked at Audrey to watch her sigh in a cheesy romantic manner.

“Sammy, I love him” I widened my eyes, did Audrey just say that?

“You, love him!?” I gaped shaking my head; Audrey nodded rubbing her cheeks trying to hide the blush.

“I realized it last night, he’s everything I want and need in a guy, oh God Sammy, I love him so much” She laughed skipping to the car. I couldn’t help but laugh and walk behind her thinking about Nick, yea Audrey I know how it feels.

“I know what you mean” I smiled, Audrey looked at me confusedly.

“Like he’s the only one in the world, and every single time he gets near you your heart beats fast and slow, and everything goes in slow motion, and your knees buckle” I laughed shaking my hair getting into the drivers seat, Audrey was now gaping.

“You fell in love with him!” She pointed laughing and dancing around the car. I watched her frowning, love, that doesn’t seem like me, but it was true, I finally admitted it last night, I did fall in love with Nick Jonas.

“Yes I love Nick, I found out last night” I laughed; Audrey stopped and raised her eyebrow at me.

“Not like that Audrey, when he held me, and when he almost kissed me this morning” I blushed the darkest red in the history and slipped into the car. Audrey quickly got into the passengers seat shrieking like a little girl.

“Me and Joe almost did too! But you walked in!” She glared at me making me laugh sarcastically.

“Well your little giggles interrupted my kiss too!” I turned on the car sticking out my tongue at her.

“So if Nick gives up because we didn’t kiss, I’ll know exactly who to thank, thank you Audrey” I quickly pulled out hitting the gas watching the mansion fade.

“Same with Joe” Audrey crossed her arms over her chest looking at me and smirking. I was smiling so wide I thought my cheeks would fall off. I love him! I love him!

“He won’t give up, neither will Joe, I have a good feeling about them” Audrey sighed looking out the window.

“Me too Audrey, me too” I stated driving away toward downtown LA.


After long hours of driving around like maniacs we finally pulled in front of the house sighing in relief. I hate dealing with crabby secretaries, and CEO’s who think their the shit of the world, even if they are.

“Oh God!” Audrey screamed covering he mouth emptying out her purse on the seat.

“No! This isn’t happening!” She continued to scream, I turned my head toward her starring at her with widened annoyed eyes.

“Can you keep it down, what are you screaming about!?” I hissed leaning over and glancing up toward her face. Audrey turned a pale white rubbing her forehead.

“The I-Phone, I lost it” My eyes shot open and my mouth fell practically hitting the seat.

“What!?!?!” I screamed pulling her into the car and hitting the gas.

“You do realize ever celebrity contact is in there! Along with Nick’s schedule! What if some person finds it and turns it into some celebrity rumor website?!” I yelled turning sharply on a red light hitting eight miles per hour toward downtown. Audrey was shaking her head yelling and screaming at her stupidity.

“When did you pull something out of your purse!? Think!” I screamed nudging her, her eyes shot open and hope came on her face.

“At the Starbucks! Outside! I called Joe remember?! She clapped her hands excitedly, I sighed in relief, maybe that’s where it’s at, hopefully.
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Hey guys!!! Finally a new update! Me and gigglygirl are really sorry for the wait! We wanted to give a huge thanks for all the dedicated readers :) Thanks for reading and commenting! If you enjoy this story enough please comment or send a message, feedback is always great to hear! And if you really loved it don't be shy to subscribe. Again thanks for reading! And finally ENJOY!