Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

Are You Ready To Rock And Roll? (Live To Party)



I walked to my old beat up Mustang, don’t get me wrong I loved this car to death, but it needed to be updated. I hopped into the driver’s seat sticking my key into the ignition. I thought about my math test and prayed Mr. Demetrius wouldn’t find some cruel way to fail me. Then taking a sharp breath in I turned on the radio peeling out of the parking lot. I drove towards the Starbuck near by to the Hollywood Records building singing along to Bad Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman which was booming through the speakers. I pulled into a parking spot and parked turning off the car. I could see Audrey ordering her coffee at the counter, so I quickly got out of the car locking the doors and running in through the doors.

“What’s up” I smiled running up next to her, Audrey glanced at me and then back at the cashier, then her head snapped back and her eyes widened.

“Your here early, how was your exam?” She asked still watching me shocked, I bet she could tell something went terribly wrong.

“I failed it, after I drenched my teacher’s classroom and called him an ass” I smiled looking at the guy behind the cash register who was placing Audrey’s order.

“Carmel Frap please” I smiled; he nodded and punched in a few buttons on the register. Audrey frowned and took out her credit card paying for both of our orders.

“It’ll be on me next time” I laughed running my fingers through my hair.

“Ok so how did you come about to calling him an ass?” Audrey asked curiously she laughed grabbing the cup and licking some of the whip cream that spilled out.

“He pissed me off” I frowned grabbing my cup and heading over toward a table.

“Well just because someone makes you angry you don’t insult them, especially if he is in charge of your grades and recommendations” Audrey frowned; I laughed and took a sip of my coffee smirking.

“Like you don’t think it’s funny” Audrey glanced up from the coffee to frown at me.

“Ok it is funny, but pretty serious stuff don’t you think?” She asked making me shrug.

“Whatever, what is done is done, and it’s Friday which means it’s all over for two days” Audrey sighed leaning back and sipping from the coffee.

“Hopefully work will be good” Ashley glanced at me and I nodded agreeing.

“I think it will, today seems like an alright day”

“Surprising to hear you say that after you just failed one of the biggest exams of the year” Audrey snickered making me laugh and smile at her.

“School’s almost out, only one more week of this stuff and I’m done and your done, can’t you be happy?” I smiled; she looked at me rolling her eyes.

“I guess I could”

“Now that sounds like the Audrey I know!” I cooed standing up and pushing in the chair.

“We should start off to work don’t you think? I don’t want the boss to be on our asses, I think he’s out to get us” I frowned cleaning up some drops I spilled with a napkin.

“You think everyone’s out to get you” Audrey frowned giggling a little bit; I smiled and starred at her putting my hand on my hip.

“Because everyone is out to get me” Audrey raised her hands defensively and smirked.

“My bad” She spoke sarcastically making me slap her arm playfully, she laughed and pushed in her chair while we quickly exited the Starbucks walking toward our cars.

“Meet you there sucker” I stuck out my tongue hopping into the drivers seat; she slid into her car and smirked rolling down the window.

“Not if I get there first” She laughed turning on her car.

“We’ll have to see about that” I laughed taking on her bet.

“Ready to rock and roll?” Audrey questioned wiggling her eyebrows, I smiled and chuckled.

“As always” I stated quickly turning on my car.

I sped out of the parking lot Audrey close in pursuit, she sped past cars and I kept my speed steady looking out for cops. I was ahead of Audrey laughing successfully, when I heard a siren causing my heart to flop. I pulled over and Audrey passed by waving and laughing at me. I hit my head against the steering wheel hearing a car door slam behind me. I then heard footsteps and I rolled down my window to see a very angry looking police officer.

“Can I see your records?” He extended his hand and I handed him all of the papers, plus my driver’s license.

“Do you know what I pulled you over for?” He questioned writing down a few things on a slip. A very expensive slip, which was probably going to cost me a months pay.

“Speeding” I sighed, he laughed and nodded.

“Got that right young lady” He stated and he then tore the paper handing me back my records.

“Have a good day and stay out of trouble” He walked off, easy for him to say that, he doesn’t have to pay...I glanced down at the paper laughing sarcastically. Three hundred dollars, I continued laughing and smacked my head against the steering wheel once again, after this day I was going to have a big puffy bruise in the middle of my forehead.

“Miserable, miserable life” I continued laughing placing the slip in the glove department. I cursed and pulled off carefully toward work. When I pulled up Audrey was leaning on her car waving and laughing.

I got out of my car glaring at her while she snickered.

“You brought this upon yourself” She reminded making me stick out my tongue.

“How much do you have to pay?” She questioned curiously walking over by me while we entered the building.

“Three hundred” I sighed, she stopped dead in her tracks and shrieked.

“You’re kidding!” I shook my head no and she rubbed the back of her head.

“Well that really bites” She looked wearily around and I nodded.

“Sure does, but what can we say we practically live to party and have fun” Rosie a really short, ditsy blonde colleague who’s also really sweet jogged over holding her clipboard in her hand.

“Boss wants to see you” She bit her lip starring at us with widened blue eyes.

“Jesus” I sighed rubbing my forehead, Rosie then pulled a smile on her face.

“I don’t think it’s anything serious, something about a new job for a few hours” She grinned making me and Audrey sigh in relief.

“Rose, don’t ever scare us like that, Sammy hasn’t exactly been having such a good day” Audrey starred at Rosie who blushed a light pink and apologized quietly.

“He’ll see you in the office” Rosie spoke quickly running off toward her desk. I looked at Audrey while we took sharp breaths and walked toward his office as if it were some death sentence.

The boss’s office was large in size with an overly sized cherry wood desk in the back of it, he had a large couch in front of it and instead of walls it had glass. We stood outside the door peering in to see two guys sitting on the couch. Both of them wearing sunglasses, the only difference was one had shaggy dark brown hair and the other very curly brown hair.

“They look familiar” Audrey whispered looking through the door; I starred at her and frowned.

“Jesus Audrey we work at a Record company for Christ’s sake, when doesn’t anyone look familiar?” I questioned raising my eyebrows; Audrey stopped starring and looked at me frowning.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I’m saying really look at them” She pointed, I slapped her arm down knowing they would instantly notice but the door opened and Mr. Loggings aka our boss stood their widening his eyes.

“Audrey and Sammy, come in” He opened the door and I starred at Audrey widening my eyes while we entered his office. The two guys sat on the couch quietly while we stood up in front of the desk and he sat down.

“Oh, these are interns” Mr. Loggings laughed while the two joined in still starring at us. I frowned and glanced back at him and crossed my arms.

“What can we help you with Mr. Loggings?” I asked, he leaned forward and smiled which made me panic, he only smiles when pain is going to be inflicted on his workers.

“If both of you could assist Miss. Miley Cyrus, for an hour or so” He smiled, Audrey cleared her throat and laughed. This work day was going to suck if that was the case. Let’s just say me and Audrey were never big fans of her, and making us work for her was going to be hell.

(Sorry Miley fans, everyone is entitled to their opinion :) No hate mail please!!! I’m just a writer)
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Hey Guys!!! Last chapter until July 15th! I hope all of you enjoyed the chapters me and my bestie gigglygirl have posted lol! Hope you enjoy this update enough to subscribe :) And don't be shy to message or post a comment, feedback is always welcomed and nice!