Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

Now Everyones Out For Blood (War World III)



“With all due respect sir, but Miss. Cyrus as you put it, even though we all quite know she isn’t a lady isn’t exactly...” Audrey began; the two guys behind us choked back laugher and had to take in a deep breath to stop themselves from cracking up.

“Like Audrey was saying, Miss. Cyrus isn’t exactly the nicest person to deal with” Mr. Loggings laughed and rubbed his forehead.

“You two aren’t that nice to deal with but you don’t see me complaining” I had to bite down on my lip to stop myself from making up a comeback to that one, so many sarcastic things to say, so little time.

“Well we’re a lot more descent then that thing” Audrey pointed toward the door, you could see Miley talking to one of the secretary’s angrily.

“Sure you are, that’s why I don’t deal with her, instead I send people below me to deal with her” Again I had to bite down on my lip to stop from making a comeback. Audrey smacked her hand on his desk.

Listen Boss, we can’t deal with her for personal issues okay, and you Sammy, why aren’t you talking?” I took in a deep breath and shrugged.

“There’s only so many people I can call mean names in a day, and I’m saving up my energy for Miss. Cyrus” Again the two guys had to choke back laughter, and Audrey turned a bright red from anger.

“Go” Mr. Loggings whispered forcefully, I glanced at Audrey who was also nibbling on her lip.

“Say something” Audrey whispered, I took a sharp breath and starred at him.

“I really don’t like you, but because you pay for our apartment I’ll go work for that she-thing for a few hours” I stated walking toward the door.

“Audrey?” She glared at me and marched out of the room. I then closed the door and me and Audrey walked toward Miley who by this point was about to hop the desk to get to the secretary on the other side.

“When I said say something, I meant refuse to work for her” Audrey hissed, I shrugged and we continued walking.

“I really didn’t want to call my boss an ass, after all he only pays for our living area” I spoke sarcastically, Audrey glared at me and then we finally reached Miley.

“Are you two my assistants?” She questioned, I wanted to cover my ears and scream.

“Yes we are” I smiled.

“Unfortunately” Audrey mumbled rolling her eyes glancing back to Mr. Logging’s office. I elbowed her in the stomach making her grunt and stare back angrily at me.

“Now, Miss. Cyrus, what can we help you with?”

“By not standing around and being useless” I starred at her astonished, she is really making it hard for the sarcasm not to come out.

“Like my outfit? It’s Gucci” She smirked rolling her eyes and grabbing her purse, that was the line, I was starring at her angrily and she thinks I’m starring at her fashion sense, if she wants to be mean two can play at that game.

“I’m sorry did you say Gucci or Hoochie?” Miley turned her head quickly to glare at me and bite her lip. She then shook her head and stood up straight.

“I don’t like you” She pointed a finger at me and I laughed while Audrey joined me.

“We don’t like you either, so can we move on with life or do you want to sit here and talk about yourself?” Audrey crossed her arms and forced a smile making Miley gasp.

“Fine can you go get me a coffee?” She spoke rudely, Audrey nodded and walked off leaving me alone with the monster from the black lagoon, note to self thank Audrey.

“Ok listen, I need help redoing my schedule, my manager is out of town and everything is going crazy” I frowned, now I get to hear her for an hour talking about her oh so busy life, lovely.

“Ok well why don’t we head into an office and me and my colleague can go ahead and help you with that” I smiled trying to act as polite as I could, just an hour Sammy, one useless hour.

“Ugh where is your friend anyways? I need my coffee” I frowned gritting my teeth, just one hour.

Audrey appeared holding a cup and handing it over to Miley who took a sip and spit it out.

“What is this!? It’s too dark” She wiped her mouth on her hand and she glared at Audrey who had her jaw clenched.

“Sorry Princess, didn’t know you were so picky” Audrey rolled her eyes bitterly.

“Go fix it right now” Miley ordered, Audrey’s sarcastic attitude faded into pure anger, I was now fuming and wanted to tackle her to the floor as well.

“No, I’m an assistant not your little delivery girl” Audrey clutched the coffee cup tightly in her hand.

“Fine I’ll go talk to Mr. Loggings, he’ll fire both of you” Miley smirked storming past us, Audrey turned a bright red from fury. She then walked up to her and did the last thing I ever expected her to do. Audrey tilted the coffee cup pouring the coffee all over Miley. She shrieked and yelled pointing a finger at her.

“This will not end like this you stupid girl!” She screamed viciously.

“Opps is that light enough sweetheart, I could have darkened it up a bit” Audrey forced a smile tossing the empty cup behind her. Since a part in me knew we were getting fired I couldn’t help it, the comeback wanted to ooze out of me.

“Bye bye Hoochie” I smirked waving to Miley who shrieked one last time before storming out of the door and slamming it violently behind her. I high fived Audrey and then we did a knuckle touch bursting out in laughter. I took in a deep sharp breath and Audrey starred knowingly at me.

“Ok question is, should we turn ourselves in or wait for him to call us into his office” I frowned, Audrey shrugged and before we knew it Mr. Loggings was calling us to come to his office.

“Jesus Christ, she was quick to call” Audrey frowned starring at me, I shrugged and we quickly walked to the office.



Mr. Logging’s owner of Hollywood Records just had two of the biggest teen sensations in his office asking for his help.

“What can I do for you gentleman?” He asked the two guys who sat still on the couch, they kept their sunglasses on and starred at him and smiled.

“We need long term assistants” One of the guys spoke up, he had curly hair and dark chocolate brown eyes.

“Nick, you do know we rarely have anyone dedicated enough to do long term, we usually only have short term maximum a week” Nick sighed and looked at his brother who shrugged.

“You’re telling me one person in this office isn’t willing enough to give us a helping hand?” Mr. Loggings clasped his hands together and took a deep breath.

“Not that they aren’t willing, but more like no one pays enough and they can’t stay out of work for too long”

“We’ll pay good, a fair amount, we don’t plan on stiffing anyone” Nick spoke up. His brother nodded his head and stood up from the couch walking over toward the desk.

“Joe, like I just told Nicholas it’s rare for anyone to do it” Joe sighed frustrated and Nick now stood up walking quickly to the desk.

“What about the two girls that were here a few minutes ago?” Joe questioned, Mr. Loggings came out with a hearty laugh and took a deep breath in.

“Their interns

“So” Nick stated tapping his fingers on the cherry wood desk. Joe by this time had turned around to catch sight of Miley Cyrus and the “interns” handling things with her. One of them he had remembered as Audrey was talking to her, and before he knew it she was pouring the coffee on Miley’s head. Miley managed to allow a large shriek to escape and then she walked out of the building. Joe’s unbreakable trance caught Nick who also began to stare. For the first time they raised their sunglasses to stare at the two girls high five each other and laugh.

“We’ll hire them, send them in, we’ll handle everything” Nick spoke while Joe nodded.

“Gentleman, don’t get hasty, if you want assistants I can find you much better ones”

“We want them, plus their cute” Joe stated laughing while he nudged Nick who also stifled a a small laugh.

“But their interns” Mr. Loggings whispered while Joe and Nick snapped their heads to stare at him annoyed.

“And we’re willing to give them a chance, send them in” Joe stated, Nick nodded starring bitterly at the man who was really annoying him by this point.

“Okay” He stood up from the desk and left the office to call over the possible new assistants of The Jonas Brothers.
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Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The posting date is finally out! I'll be posting a lot more often now, I hope you enjoy the story!!! DON'T FORGET GIGGLYGIRL HELPED ME WRITE THIS SO CHECK HER OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please comment or message me your opinion feedback is always really nice to read :) And I hope you enjoy enough to subscribe! Enjoy!!!!!