Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

The Tables Are Going To Turn (Underdog)



My heart was racing, where other place was I going to get a job? Was I going to flip burgers until I can intern as a medical student? What if we couldn’t find jobs and we end up thrown out of our apartment wandering the streets hungry and alone.

“Sammy” Audrey’s hand brought me from my trance and we were already in front of Mr. Logging’s office who was standing at the door.

“May I please talk to both of you?” I swallowed hard and we both entered the room, the same two guys sitting on the couch.

“Ok to begin with” Mr. Loggings cleared his throat.

“Look what we did to Miley it was an accident! Really! She was being so mean!” Audrey broke out, Mr. Loggings smile faded from his lips and he starred at us confusedly.

“What happened with Miley?” He questioned bitterly, I glanced at Audrey widening my eyes panicky.

“That’s not what we’re here to talk about” One of the guys stood up and walked by the desk. He raised his sunglasses and both me and Audrey gasped.

“I told you they looked familiar” Audrey covered her mouth pointing.

“Well I didn’t know you meant childhood familiar” I whispered loudly starring at Joe Jonas who stood in front of me.

“Hi” I turned around to see the second guy lift up his glasses and my heart leaped to my throat. Nick Jonas stood there, the boy was a hunk when we were both fourteen, but now we were both twenty-two and he looked unbelievable.

“What are we here to talk about?” I stuttered starring at everyone in the room.

“We were wondering if you guys would be long term assistants for us” Nick put his hands together and walked by Joe.

Us?” Audrey giggled a bit and pointed a finger at me and herself.

“You’re joking” She continued laughing while both Nick and Joe starred at us questionably.

“Why would we be joking?” Nick raised his eyebrows looking at Joe and shrugging.

“Look, why don’t we all go out to lunch and discuss this, is that fine Mr. Loggings?” Joe looked at the boss who raised his hands and shrugged.

“Sure, they don’t work for me for the next couple of months so it’s no longer my problem”

“You’re saying there won’t be a punishment for pouring a hot cup of coffee all over Miley’s hoochie outfit?” I questioned happily, Mr. Loggings eyes widened and he glared at us.

“You did what?!” Nick grabbed my arm and laughed along.

“Come on, we should probably get going” Joe dragged Audrey and we all quickly exited the office and then the building.

“I thought he was going to jump over the desk and strangle both of us” I rubbed my neck thankful it was in place and intact.

“Dido” Audrey took in a sharp breath and Nick and Joe both cracked up in hysterics.

“Now what happened with the coffee?” Joe questioned laughing even harder.

“The little wench deserved it” Audrey complained crossing her arms and huffing. Joe laughed

“Thank God we get to hire you two, all the other assistants are so dull, you guys are a funny duet” Joe laughed while Nick agreed cracking up. We glanced at them smiling a little bit; our celebrity crushes from childhood just hired us to work for them. We walked about a block and reached a nice little diner which we entered and sat down at a table ordering a few drinks.

“Ok so let’s talk about this” Joe spoke up sitting back in his chair.

“What do you think about the job?” We glanced at him and shrugged.

“We don’t mind as long as the pay is good” Audrey smiled which made Joe lean forward and smirk flirtatiously making Audrey blush a beat red.

“It should be enough to see my face” He joked making Audrey crack up in hysterics.

“Yea but that doesn’t pay the bills” She smirked leaning forward making him bite down on his lip.

“How about $3,500 every pay day for both of you” Nick stated making my heart stop.

“Are you kidding?” I questioned shocked, Nick frowned and shrugged.

“Is that too little?” He questioned making me shake my head no and raise my hand.

“That’s about twice as much we made working for Hollywood Records, perfect amount, I think you have yourself a deal” I smiled making Nick grin and nod.

“Good, so Joe I think we should talk about circumstances” Nick starred at his brother who nodded and smirked.

“First two are; there is no such thing as being busy” He held up one finger continuing and holding up the second finger.

“And you have to be free at all hours of the day” I frowned; I hope they don’t plan on calling early or when I’m at school.

“We have college for two more weeks then were off for the summer so how will that work” Audrey leaned forward entwining her fingers together.

“We’ll work around that” Joe shrugged looking at Nick.

“What else can you think of buddy” Nick sat their thinking and then smiled.

“Ok, wait where do you guys live?” We both stated starring at Nick and Joe who glanced at us and smiled.

“Beverly Hills area, it’s like a 25 minute drive from here” Joe stated making both mine and Audrey’s mouth drop open.

“We already have to drive 20 minutes to get to work” I frowned making Joe and Nick glance at each other and smile when they came up with an idea.

“Why don’t both of you just move in for the time being, and in case it doesn’t work out we’ll buy you an apartment as a parting gift so we don’t leave you hanging” Joe smiled making me and Audrey lean back and widen our eyes.

“You’d do that for us?” I questioned leaning forward.

“Well with that comes more circumstances” Joe lifted a finger looking at Nick.

No boys are allowed over, we may have somewhat of a party house but it’s not supposed to be that much of a party house, plus we don’t need to see your relationships” Nick frowned lifting one finger.

No talking about the monthly visitor, we know it hurts and we know it sucks, but we don’t talk about our stuff so if we can please keep that stuff on the DL” Joe held up one more finger making both me and Audrey laugh.

“That’s what Midol is for” Audrey smirked making Joe glance at her disgusted.

“I bet it is” Joe frowned looking at Nick who held up one more finger.

No complaining about takeout, we don’t cook and don’t have time to cook” Nick looked at Joe who widened his eyes.

“And most definitely no walking around the house in a bra and underwear” Joe frowned, Audrey pursed her lips leaning back smirking.

“You mind that? Wow the first guy that isn’t a pig” She grinned, Joe shook his head and widened his eyes.

“Me and Nick definitely don’t mind that, It’s our neighbor, he’s somewhat of a perv and if he sees that he’s going to be watching the house 24/7 and we will have no privacy” Joe rolled his eyes and starred at both me and Audrey who were laughing and watching shocked.

“That’s it? That’s all we have to do?” Audrey questioned with disbelief.

“When do we move in?” She yelled excitedly making me smile.

“Today if you want” Nick smiled making both of us squeal.

“Look’s like you got yourself a deal boys” I grinned me and Audrey extending our hands and shaking hands with both and Nick and Joe.

“Sammy Levi and Audrey Davis at your orders” I continued making the boys smile with satisfaction.
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Hey guys!!!!!! New update!!! I'd really appreciate it if you could comment what you think, me and gigglygirl don't know if we should keep on posting because we don't know what the readers think! so Please comment! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!