Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

Open Up Your Eyes Girl And See How Beautiful This



I finished packing and sighed to see all of my stuff in place and the luggage empty. I stored the empty suitcases in the closet and shut the door looking one more time at the window and sight.

“Ready?” Audrey spoke walking into the room, I nodded and followed her while we jogged down the stairs to see Nick and Joe walking around the living room looking for something.

“Found it!” Joe called out successfully holding up two boxes. Nick ran over and snatched them out of his hand and smiled when he saw us.

“Catch” He tossed one box to me and one box to Audrey, we quickly caught them sighing and then we looked at the boxes questionably and glanced back at them.

“I-Phones, their pretty much going to be the planner you use for us” I smiled listening to Joe speak, I was now holding an I-Phone in my hand that’s pretty cool if you ask me.

“Now Sammy you’re going to be my assistant, I personally think Audrey is out to get me” I looked at Joe and nodded.

“Am not! What would make you say that?” Audrey crossed her arms over her chest and huffed starring at Joe who widened his eyes.

“Gut feeling I guess” Joe mumbled, I laughed walking over to the table and tearing open the box.

“Audrey, you’re going to be my assistant” Nick stated while Audrey nodded.

“What ever you say kiddo” She chuckled making him stare at her cautiously.


“You are younger then me” Audrey spoke in a matter of a fact tone, making Nick stare at her oddly.

“Anyways, here’s our planners” Joe smacked two thick planners on the table making my eyes widen and squint all at the same time.

“Is that a phone book or a planner?” I questioned, Joe laughed shrugging and sitting down across from me.

“Well when we fired our last assistants they broke the phones so we gave up and went back cavemen style and wrote everything down, so everything that’s going to happen needs to be input into that phone” I let my mouth drop open a little as I flipped through the pages, this was going to be a long night.

“Oh plus you need to put in our contacts” He pulled out two more smaller books and placed them on the table.

“How many contacts?” I questioned closing my eyes praying, he is a celebrity for all I know his phone might be the Hollywood phonebook.

“53” Joe smiled, I sighed in relief and laughed for being so worried.

“Oh that’s just the A section though” Joe frowned flipping through the pages, lovely, I’m probably going to end up with carpal tunnel by the end of the night and bloodshot eyes.

“It’s pretty much the same deal for you Audrey” Nick smiled walking to the table and picking up his planner and address book and handing them to her. Audrey bit down on her bottom lip and took in a deep breath.

“Yes Nick” She mumbled walking over to me and sitting down in the chair beside me.

“Well that’s about it ladies, think you guys can do that?” Nick stated, me and Audrey both nodded not saying a word we both understood how long this was going to take and we wanted to get it over with.

“Alright then, if you guys need anything we’ll be upstairs” Nick stated looking at Joe who nodded, They both ran up the stairs while me and Audrey inhaled deeply.

“Ready to get to work?” Audrey questioned, I nodded and opened the box retrieving the phone.

“Yes ma’am” I turned on the phone and looked at the planner and address book, then taking a deep breath I began to input the data.


My fingers were sore and my eyes burned from starring at the small font all this time. Finally I entered the last contact and jumped up screaming successfully.

“What the hell is your problem?” Audrey looked at me her eyes widened, it looked like she was going to lose all sanity if she had to put in one more contact.

“I’m done!” I squealed laughing and pointing at her while I danced around the room. She growled and glared at me continuing to put in more numbers. I smirked placing my hands on my waist and sticking out my tongue.

“Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go change” I smiled walking up the stairs, I heard Audrey yell angrily and then a large clatter, she probably just smacked the planner against something. Not until this second did I realize there were so many steps, I was exhausted and it felt like my legs were going to give up from under me. Finally I placed my foot on the second floor and took in a deep breath, this place should have an elevator or at least an escalator making people climb up so many steps can be a hazardous health risk. I moved my hair from my face and walked toward the room to hear Joe call out. I stopped and did the same thing anybody would do when hearing part of a conversation, stop what you’re doing and listen carefully.

“I knew it!” Joe continued.

“I was so close man you have no idea what I felt, it was insane, I was going to kiss her but then I just couldn’t” I frowned, of course Nick doesn’t like me, that’s why he didn’t kiss me, stupid, stupid Sammy, you should know better then believe Audrey when she tells you a guy likes you. I shook my head and entered my now to be room and closed the door. I grabbed a tank top and shorts and slipped them on. I took off any excessive makeup and touched up my hair. After that I brushed my teeth and frowned in the mirror. My mind kept wrapping itself around Nick not releasing. Half of me wanted to remember everything about him, his hair, his smile, the smell of his cologne and the sound of his laugh, the other half was screaming forget about it, moron.

“You stop it Sammy” I whispered angrily shaking my head no.

“He’s your boss for Christ sake get a hold of yourself, he doesn’t like you so you don’t like him” I continued opening the bathroom door bitterly. No games do your job, love isn’t for you and he’s not interested.

“Sammy I was looking for you!” Joe spoke up enthusiastically tearing me out of my self talk I widened my eyes and allowed a small shriek to escape my lips. I clutched my chest and starred cautiously at him, I breathed heavily my chest falling and rising quickly. Joe laughed and walked up to me placing his hand on my shoulder.

“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you. Did you input everything into the phone?” He questioned, I swallowed and nodded not wanting to speak, God I hope he didn’t hear me talking to myself.

“Ok that’s good, I think that’s it for the night, we can really figure out everything tomorrow, you look exhausted, go get some sleep Miss. Levi” Joe laughed pushing me jokingly toward my room. I laughed and sighed, thank you he didn’t hear what I said.

“Night Joe” I spoke waving and entering my room. I closed the door and walked to the bed lying down on top of the blankets starring at the ceiling. Then I began to repeat to myself, no Nick, no Nick, no Nick, thinking that maybe just maybe I can trick my mind into forgetting about him and moving on. I had managed to make myself fall asleep which I was comfortable with.
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Hey guys! New update! Thanks for reading! Please comment or message me what you think! And if you enjoy the story enough go ahead and subscribe! :DD And make sure to check out the cowriter of this story, gigglygirl!!!! THANKS FOR READING AND ENJOY!