Falling In Love With You Was Never Part Of The Job

Please Don't Ask Me To Go (Hey Baby)



“Listen to me Sammy, I love you” Nick stood there in the middle of his living room.

“No you don’t Nick, don’t say that” I managed to speak out, he took a step forward making me walk backwards until my back was against the wall and I had no where else to go.

“Sammy Levi I love you” He whispered softly, my heart was beating so fast I was surprised I was standing up straight.

“No” I mumbled, his hand slid onto my cheek while the other grabbed my hand. I looked up to see his eyes starring softly at me, then he was leaning in sending my world flying. I was in heaven, cloud 9, far off from reality. His lips were soft and traced along mine making my heart race even faster then before. His arms wrapped around my waist and my hands were entwined in his hair. He pulled away breathing heavily with a smile on his face.

“I love you!” I breathed out, he smiled and kissed me roughly making me smile in delight. His hands were now on my lower back tracing up.

I flew up in bed breathing heavily. My hair was disoriented and I was shaking cold. You were supposed to forget about him moron, not dream about him! God what if I didn’t wake up, where would that have led me. My eyes widened to the size of golf balls and I shook my head.

“Don’t even think about that Sammy” I mumbled rubbing my temples taking in a deep breath. Don’t let it even cross your mind. I threw the blankets off and stood up to my feet. Ok then, I’ll just head on downstairs get something to drink, and if I can’t forget about Nick, I just won’t sleep, end of story, I will not dream of where ever the hell that scene was leading me. Even though it might be kind of nice...NO! I opened the door trying to shake all the thoughts out of my head. Then I walked down the stairs, it was sometime late at night, maybe 2 in the morning? The first thing I saw was Audrey completely asleep on the table resting on her arm. I frowned, poor Audrey she fell asleep.

“She looks uncomfortable” I heard Joe say from behind me, I snapped around and he crossed his arms frowning.

“I’m going to take her upstairs, and you Sammy, go get some sleep, you don’t have to wake up early tomorrow so try to get as much sleep as you can” Joe ordered, I smiled while he walked over and picked up Audrey holding her bridal style. She groaned and sat up a goofy grin on her face, she then starred at Joe and yawned softly resting her face into his shoulder.

“That was kind of cute” Joe whispered softly walking up the steps.

“Night Sammy” I frowned and rubbed the back of my head.

“Nigh Joseph” I spoke, I turned to the table to see the I-Phone and the planner almost towards the end. I should do her a favor, after all I did leave her half way through, I could just finish and input the data for her, I didn’t want to sleep or think about Nick, this might be able to keep my mind off of it, even if it is his contacts, and his schedule.

I entered everything in and I think I finished around 3:30am, I was too tired to even try and attempt to climb up the stairs. My eyes felt heavy, and I yawned collapsing onto my arms. It only took a few seconds to drift off into a deep sleep. Thankfully I dreamt of nothing, and if I did it had nothing to do with Nick. I was woken up by someone rubbing my back lightly and whispering my name.

“Sammy” The voice whispered still rubbing my back, I sat up slowly my eyes opening to see Nick standing beside me smiling sweetly.

“I think you fell asleep down here last night” He chuckled a little bit making me smile and rub my forehead, then I took a good look at him to notice he was wearing a wife beater and basketball shorts covered in sweat. He had his I-Pod in his hand and running shoes on. If I wasn’t mistaken he had just gotten back from his morning jog. My cheeks heated up when I noticed just how good he looked, but thankfully I heard running footsteps from the stairs. Then I looked up to see Audrey smiling.

“Awe! You finished the phone!” Audrey cooed running over to me and pulling me into a really tight hug making my eyes widen.

“No problem I couldn’t get any sleep at night” I frowned yawning, Nick turned around and starred at me curiously.

“Why? Was everything alright?” He asked, I laughed and nodded shooting a glance at Audrey who bit down on her lip.

“Just nightmares” Audrey nodded and Nick shrugged while opening the fridge.

“You can always just take a nap or something, me and Joe don’t really care” I smiled, at least Nick was being nice about it.

“Ok I don’t know about you two but I’m really hot, I’m going to go swimming” Nick groaned pulling off his shirt, my eyes widened past its limit, and I just starred like a deer in headlights.

“Sammy” Audrey whispered behind clenched teeth, I continued to stare while she pushed on my arm trying to get a reaction out of me. His body was slim, and he was built, nice tan body, and lean muscles, on top of that since he had just worked out, he was still glistening with sweat, I wanted to shriek and sigh all at the same time but that would make it to obvious, even if I was starring.

“Sammy?” Nick turned around and I was still starring, it was his voice that brought me out of the trance. I blushed the reddest I’ve ever been and forced a smile.

“Sorry...Jeez I’m so tired you know?” I laughed nervously, he nodded and smiled, hopefully he didn’t think I was starring at him.

“Did someone say swimming?!” I heard Joe’s voice yell, he then ran down the stairs in swim trunks smiling widely. From my peripheral I saw Audrey’s eyes widen and a faint pink come to her cheeks. Joe didn’t look half bad either, same body type as Nick but just a little tanner.

“Well I’ll go get my bathing suit on, what about you Sammy? You could always just sleep outside” Audrey wiggled her eyebrows like saying come on you know you want to, so I agreed following her up the stairs.

“Oho you should wear that cute black bikini you have, you know the string one” Audrey giggled raising her eyebrows, I frowned and shook my head, figures Audrey would suggest that, I had to admit it was a pretty smart idea.

“I’m going to wear that navy blue one, the halter top” Audrey smiled widely running into her room.

“Hurry up! I want to see the looks on their faces when we walk out” She then closed the door and I heard the lock click. I sighed and laughed entering my room and closing the door while digging through the drawer when I came across my swimsuit.

It was a string bikini, in the middle of the top was like all other string bikinis, but on the bottom piece there were two small metal circles holding it together, at least it wasn’t the most revealing swimsuit I had. I shrugged and began taking off my clothes. I then put on the bottoms and tied the top on. I glanced once in the mirror and ruffled my hair up a bit. I then brushed my teeth and washed off the right amount of makeup. I came out to come face to face with Audrey who was smirking.

“Hola! Someone looks hot” Audrey smirked making me sigh and rub my eyes.

“No someone looks tired, have you seen the bags under my eyes lately?” I questioned, Audrey put her hand on her waist and huffed.

“Turn that frown upside down! How do I look?” She turned once and laughed. Her swimsuit was really cute, it was navy blue and a halter bikini. In the middle there was a metal square, and the bottoms were boy shorts, I’ve always wanted to borrow that swimsuit from her.

“Nice, I love the bathing suit” I smiled, she nodded and hit my arm pushing me toward the stairs. We ended up walking down the stairs and when we reached the bottom, Nick had his swim trunks and was sitting on the kitchen chair, while Joe was sitting on the counter.

“Ready” Audrey smiled, Joe was talking with Nick and then he turned his head and his eyes widened incredibly.

“I’ll be outside” Audrey smiled skipping out the back door.

Joe sat in awe, his mouth wide open and his eyes widened to the most they could open.

“Jeez Joseph. Why don’t you pick your jaw off the floor along with your dignity?” I smirked, Joe shook his head and Audrey peaked in.

“Are you coming? I need to put on sun block but I can’t seem to reach my back” Audrey frowned, she then gave me a quick wink giggling. I couldn’t help but laugh. Joe was at the door faster then the speed of light. I didn’t even see him run.

“Well that’s like him” Nick laughed starring at me, he then looked down and blushed.

“Swimming?” I questioned getting his attention, he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly but then glanced up.

“That sounds good” He smiled, I nodded and we both walked out the door to see Joe pick up Audrey and throw her in the pool.

“Not cool at all” Audrey stated floating to the top and wiping the wet hair away from her face. I felt an arm on my back and another one behind my knee. Next thing I know I was being picked up bridal style.

“You wouldn’t dare” I laughed as Nick walked over to the edge of the pool.

“Bye Bye” He smiled throwing me into the pool, I yelled and came to the top frowning.

“That was mean” I chuckled, both Nick and Joe dove into the pool making me and Audrey smirk. They then rose to the top shaking the hair out of their faces. The sun was hot and the water was warm, it was the perfect time for swimming, but I was so tired I walked out of the pool and collapsed onto one of the lawn chairs. I heard Joe, Nick, and Audrey laughing until Audrey came out and sat beside me on one of the other lawn chairs. My eyes felt heavy, and falling asleep in the sun would be a huge mistake, but I had no choice, I slowly dozed off without a word in.

I woke up when I felt my back was extremely hot. My eyes shot open when Audrey patted me lightly on the arm.

“Um Sammy, did you put sun block on?” She questioned biting down on her bottom lip.

“No...” I shot up and felt my back was extremely hot.

“Did I get a sunburn?” I questioned turning my back toward her, her eyes shot open and her eyes widened.

“It’s not that bad” I could tell Audrey was lying, especially when she poked my shoulder and I wanted to curl up into a little ball and die from the pain.

“What’s wrong?” I heard footsteps and saw Joe who flinched when he saw my back.

“You’re going to have a really long night” He tried to hold back laughter.

“If it makes you feel better you look like the appetizer instead of the main dish at Red Lobster” Audrey bit down on her lip choking back laughter.

“I hate you both” I growled standing up, I heard more footsteps and then I heard Nick gasp.

“Ouch, we have Aloe Vera upstairs, come on” Nick walked into the house and I followed close behind.

“Oho Aloe Vera, sounds hot” Joe laughed loudly getting slapped by Audrey.

“It’s something you put on sunburns” Audrey pointed out, I shook my head still hearing their laughter while me and Nick climbed up the stairs.

“Sorry I thought you had put sun block on, if not I would have at least woken you up” Nick stated, I shrugged and laughed.

“No biggie, I get sunburns all of the time, it was my fault for falling asleep” We entered his bathroom and he looked around when he came across a bottle.

“Here you go” He handed me the bottle and I yelled in success, I quickly unscrewed the bottle and tried to rub it on my back.

“Need some help?” Nick questioned, I turned my head to stare at him a light blush coming on my cheeks, stay away from him don’t you dare agree for help.

“I got it” I smiled trying to rub it on, but I tripped and collapsed to the floor. Nick chuckled and helped me up extending his hand.

“Bottle” I frowned and gave him the bottle while he turned me around. He set the bottle down on the sink and began to rub the lotion onto my shoulders. My mind kept going to Nick and his touch but then I kept trying to shake it off, and trying to forget how his touch made me feel dizzy. His fingers massaged in making my eyes close, my heart was racing so fast I could hear it pounding in my ears.

“There” He stated rinsing his hands.

“You should probably stay inside, I’ll keep you company if you want” Nick stated smiling, I nodded still blushing a light red. We both changed and met each other in the living room, where we spent the rest of the day watching TV, until it was time to go to bed. Then we said goodnight and walked up to our rooms, I felt my heart plummet, I didn’t want to go to bed yet, I wanted to see Nick, but I had to kick away that feeling, I couldn’t fall in love with him, even though I already knew I was falling hard, and I could never get back up again.
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Hey guys! New update! Thanks for reading! Please comment or message me what you think! And if you enjoy the story enough go ahead and subscribe! :DD And make sure to check out the cowriter of this story, gigglygirl!!!! THANKS FOR READING AND ENJOY!