Just Like Broken Glass

When you're the only son of Prince Charming and Cinderella, falling in love with the darkly sarcastic and rude son of an evil sorceress is unacceptable...

... But so is breaking your mother's glass slippers, accidentally shaving Rapunzel's head, and getting into fights with the magic mirror. Aymeric is the clumsy and awkward son of fairy tale royalty. What happens when his sister, the beautiful princess Bernice, falls in love with a man much below her station? What about when Aymeric finds himself falling in love with another man, and a sinisterly mysterious one at that?

Fairytale anarchy, that's what.

One night the young prince finds himself greeting a mysterious stranger with a basket full of six apples. What happens when these apples end up being a poisonous gift for the royal family, or when supposedly reformed evil stepsisters show up unannounced in the palace kitchens?

Something dark and sinister is happening in the Land of Far, Far Away. It may be up to the youngest royals to stop it and they might just need to employ the help of some shady characters to do it. That is, if Aymeric and Bernice can tear themselves away from their star-crossed love affairs for long enough.