A Rocket to My Heart

Eric's P.O.V;

And here we were again. I was in her arms and she was in my bed. But we weren't doing anything. Not even kissing or tickling each other. We were just, clasped together staring off into whatever direction our relaxed necks lead our eyes to.

We were holding hands on my stomach though. And occasionally, when I felt her going to sleep, I'd rub the top of her wrist until she opened her eyes again.

I didn't like keeping her awake like this, but at the same time, I didn't like her going to sleep.

We were both just waiting. Waiting for Nick to bust through my door with an AK47 shooting the place up. Or for a phone call to slice through this silence we had. Maybe even the police. Maybe Andrea's mom had thought she was kidnapped and called the cops.

Hell if we know.

We've been laying here for hours, and I finally gather enough balls to talk.


There was that silence again, and then her tiny, "Hmmm?" to follow it.

"Are you awake?"

"Sorta. Kinda. A bit. Why?"

"Oh," I felt bad for waking her up, though I still felt like we should talk. "What're we gonna do?"

"What?" She raised her head and put her chin on my chest, watching me with squinted eyes. "What do you mean, 'What are we going to do?'"

"Well, I don't know. Are you going to stay here? Am I never going to see you again? Are we going to get in trouble? I don't know, Andrea. I just don't even know what's going on anymore." I sighed and propped myself on the pillow behind me.

"We're gonna stick together, have and raise this baby. That's what we're going to do."

I opened my mouth to speak, shut it, then opened it again, "I know we're going to do that. I just, I'm not sure about the little stuff."

"What little stuff?" She held onto my hand tighter as she continued to watch me ramble.

"Food, toys, cribs. What are we going to do for those things? Money? Homes? Andrea, where are we going with this?" I rubbed my thumb on her hand again, and she sighed.

"We're going in the right direction," She looked down at our hands, which were now closer to my neck than my stomach, then back up at me. She smiled. "As long as I have you, and you have me, we're going right where we need to be."

And with that, she kissed me, and I tangled my fingers in her hair, and she met her palm with my neck.

And it was just like old times, where we had no directions to worry about.

Though, this time around, it felt more right.

It was as simple as she said.

If I have her and she has me, we're going in the right direction with this.

She intertwined our hands together, curled up to me, and smiled even more.

She was cozy under my arm, and breathing slowly.

Finally, I shut my eyes, only to be opened when she whispered, "We'll worry about the little things when they come around, Eric. I love you and that's all that matters."

I kissed her head, and whispered into it "I love you too, babe."

And we fell asleep.

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