Stolen From My Eyes

Grand Tour

Eyes; strange, intense eyes filled her mind. This time when she awoke, she remembered her dream. She was sure that this was the same dream that had eluded her so effectively the night before, when she first woke up without her memories. There was a moment of triumph, and then slight disappointment. For though she remembered the image well, she had no idea what exactly it meant; and she believed that she had dreamed of them more than the two times. Who did the eyes belong to? And why did they keep haunting her sleep?

The eyes were a bit unsettling, yet oddly comforting. She hoped maybe her dreams would eventually give her more than just the eyes; wished that they would give her a face and a name as well. Elise sat lost in thought for awhile, knees tucked into her stomach.

A familiar light knock sounded at the door, and she called out for Mrs. Everly to enter. The nurse shuffled in backwards, a tray of food perched expertly in her arms. “Good morning!” She said cheerily. “How did you sleep?”

“Very well, thank you.” Elise responded politely, deciding to keep her dream to herself.

Mrs. Everly hummed happily as she set the tray down carefully over Elise’s lap. There was a hearty meal before her, including toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. She licked her lips in anticipation, realizing how absolutely ravenous she was. As she tucked into her food, Mrs. Everly bustled over to the thick drapes and pulled them open, letting the sunshine in. “When you’re finished with breakfast, I was hoping you might want a tour of grounds.” The nurse was saying. “Patients have mostly free roam here, and there’s so much to see.”

Elise swallowed a mouthful of food and smiled. “That sounds like a great idea! I should probably get up and walk around some anyway – I feel pretty stiff from lying in a bed for a few days.” She admitted.

“Excellent! Whenever you’re ready, just pull that cord hanging above the night stand, there. I will come right up.” Mrs. Everly instructed, leaving Elise to eat in peace and enjoy the sun.

It seemed like it took no time at all for her to clean her plate. Wearily she swung her legs over the side of the bed and gingerly stood up. She winced as her sore muscles protested the movement. A darkened bathroom lay beyond a partially open door and she limped over to it and flipped on the light. Looking around, she realized she needed some fresh clothing. She didn’t much feel like walking around in hospital-issued pajama bottoms and white tank top.

There was a wardrobe against the wall and she found a plain pair of jeans and a gray tee, along with necessary undergarments. She placed them on the counter and started up the shower, allowing sufficient time for the water to heat up. Sighing contently as she stepped under the water, she stood motionless for several moments reveling in the warmth. With effort she moved herself and did the necessary washing.

After she was clean and feeling refreshed, she slid her feet into some slippers and pulled the cord. A few moments later Mrs. Everly was back, ushering her out the bedroom door for the first time.

Elise was amazed to find herself in a long, plush-carpeted hallway. She had no idea the place was so huge and hadn’t bothered looking out the window to see the grounds. Interest developed as she tried to imagine what the rest of the place must look like. It was all so posh.

Mrs. Everly bustled down the hallway, turned right and descended a staircase, Elise following carefully on her heels. Halfway down, Elise gasped, clinging suddenly to the railing. “Whatever is the matter?” The nurse asked in concern, reaching an arm out to steady her patient.

No words would come to describe the image that had just taken over her mind; more than an image, there was sound with it too. A terrible scream, and then she was tumbling down a grand curving staircase. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the horrible flashback. Slightly trembling, she allowed Mrs. Everly to help her the rest of the way down.

The rooms passed by in a blur, Mrs. Everly chattering away about each one. She was shown to a game room, a cafeteria and a well-furnished library, among other places. The other patients were few and far between, giving the place a peaceful, non-crowded feel. “And just wait until you see the grounds.” Mrs. Everly was saying happily as she threw open the double doors that led out back.

Hills sloped gently down to a forested area. Every where she looked there was something even more splendid than the last. Beautiful flower gardens and trees with inviting chairs and tables set out beneath them were scattered here and there. But the very best part of it all was the labyrinth, quite a ways away from the main building. “Are patients allowed in there?” She asked excitedly, pointing out the wonder to her nurse.

“Some,” Mrs. Everly answered. “The ones who are deemed well enough. It’s quite a wonderful maze, if I do say so myself. But I would recommend taking a lunch with you if you give it a go; it could take awhile to find the center or any one of the numerous exits.”

Elise made a note to herself that she would have to try out the labyrinth sometime soon. It seemed like great fun. Plus she would be stuck here for a whole month – at least there was some form of excitement to look forward to.

The tour concluded and Mrs. Everly escorted her back upstairs. “Oh, I almost forgot. There is one place I haven’t shown you yet. I think you’ll really enjoy it.” There was a twinkle in the kindly woman’s eyes.

Her curiosity had gotten the better of her, but she didn’t ask what it was. She knew she would find out soon enough. Instead of going back towards her room, she was led down another hallway and to a narrow flight of wooden stairs. Mrs. Everly stopped at the bottom and turned to her with an excited smile. “Well, go on up. I’ll be down here.”

Slowly Elise climbed the stairs, trying not to remember the horrible vision she had had earlier. An old door stood at the top, closed. She reached out her hand and noticed it was shaking a little. Stop being silly, she chided herself. I’m sure it’s a good surprise.

Turning the knob, she swung the door open and took a step forward. A gasp escaped her lips as she took in the sight before her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Have patience, please. I assure you Gerard will make his first appearance either in the next chapter or the one after that. But I had to set up some things for later happenings.