I Hate Those Stories Where the Fate of the World Depends on Kids

Pains in the Butt

When I awoke Hermione was walking in.

“Oh that’s where you have been. The twins have been looking all over for you,” she told me.

“Yeah, I was tired. What time is it,” I asked her.

“It 6:27, and dinner starts in a few. So I would get dressed and come eat,” she told me. So I got out of my bed and looked down. I was still in my uniform so I decided to leave it and I walked out the dorm room. When I got down stairs I was tackled from behind and then lifted up and placed over someone’s shoulder. I looked behind me and saw a very familiar red head named George so I guessed that Fred had me.

“Fred put me down,” I told him.

“Nope, not till we get to the great hall,” He said.

“Well can you hold my skirt down so that way the whole school doesn’t see my underwear,” I said. Then I felt a hand on my but, “not what I meant”.

“And I don’t care, and because of your point. I decided to not let people see up the skirt of someone in my arms,” he said.

“Unless they pay me first,” George whispered to himself.

“Okay put me down this instant,” I said then I was placed on the ground. I turned around and saw the great hall. I sighed in response to his actions. I got up off the floor and walked through the great doors. I took a seat next Harry. Then of course Fred had to weasel his way into my lap.

“Yes,” I asked.

“Meet me up in the grand tower, tonight when everyone is asleep,” he said before he got up and went sit with his brother.

“What’s going on between you and Fred, Gabs,” Hermione asked.

“Nothing,” I replied nothing at all.
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Sorry it took so long i just got a break from work and college life. More to come my dears