I Hate Those Stories Where the Fate of the World Depends on Kids


Aphrodite Gryffindor. Ask twenty different people about me, and chances are you might get twenty different answer. That is pretty much a full description of me, because truth is, I'm not really sure who I am.

The only thing that is one hundred percent fact is my legal name. If you haven't figured it out, it's the first two words that you read on this page. Everything else is just a mystery, even to me.

I'm supposedly a descendant of the late Godric Gryffindor. However there are several differences from his family line and me, supposedly the youngest of the aforementioned family. The biggest of those being my personality, my first name, and my appearance.

Godric Gryffindor was said to be one of the greatest wizards of all time, and a good wizard to, depending on your perspective. You can deffinitely tell my father is one of his decendants. He is a great man. Who is calm, even when he is angry; I, however, can't calm down until something is broken. He has no tolerance for the dark arts, whereas I think every single persons story should be heard before they are judged.

Godric is a name that means "god" or "ruler." When Godric Gryffindor had his first son, he named him Gabriel after the archangel who told Mary of her virgin conception. Gabriel then name his son (my father) John, which is also a biblical name. My father also isn't really one to break a tradition. So, why is it that my name is Aphrodite, after the greek goddess of love a beauty? Far from the tradition that my great-grandfather started.

Of all the pictures I've seen of my supposed family line, none of them look the tiniest bit like me. They either have brown or auburn hair and brown eyes. I, however, have burgundy color hair which, as a friend of my mother's has said, appears as if I "wash my hair in wine." I also have bright turqiouse colored eyes. My appearance, although fitting to my name well, seem amost alien to the rest of my family.

My family does, however, love me now matter how different I am from them. Even when I got into school and I happened to be placed in the worst house imaginable. I thought they would shun me from their lives. Instead, they boasted about how well I did in my academics to their friends and would openly tell them what house I was in.

My fellow Slytherins weren't as kind though. They shunned me just because of my last name. Surprisingly, I didn't care. I also didn't care about the other three quarters of the school that hated me simply because a hat told me I belonged in Slytherin (the wizarding world has some strange idols).

Because of this overall hatred, I didn't really speak to anyone unless spoken to (which never happened), or unless I had an answer in class, which I often did. Therefore, several rumors started, I didn't care, and everyone has a different opinion of me.

The only one, besides my parents, who probably knows the real me is Gabriella Slytherin. I met her one day when I had snuck into the restricted section to do a little curious searching of exotic potions. We told each other basically our whole life story. I told her about my Gryffindor descended father and she told me about her Slytherin descended father. I told her of my secret desire to be a beater on the quidditch team (which I didn't get for obvious reasons), and in return, she told me about Fred Weasley, her awesome beater of a crush. I finally ended up opening up to her about my frustrating crush on Draco Malfoy, the "prince" of Slytherin.

With the Triwizard Tournament this year, and therefore a lack of anything interesting (like quidditch) going on, I've decided I want to... open up a little. Maybe I'll be a totally different person than anyone thought.
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