I Hate Those Stories Where the Fate of the World Depends on Kids

Oh, Draco.

George and I poked our heads out of the entrance to the castle, trying to get a good view of the two. Fred had told only the two of us what he was planning to do earlier.

They spoke briefly before she disappeared. “What happened,” I asked, purely puzzled. We watched Fred walk back looking defeated.

“Blimey if I know,” George replied. “Guess she rejected him.”

We watched as Fred got inside the castle. He looked at the two of us. “I asked her was we were and she snapped her fingers and disappeared.

What?” I screamed at him. We all began walking into the castle. “Through all these years she's liked you and she pulls a trick like that?”

Fred shrugged. “I guess she just doesn't like me anymore.” His voice was so sad. I gave him a hug. He pulled hugged back as if I were his little.

“Oh! Weasle-Bees!” We heard Draco Malfoy. “Trying to get a little threesome started? Fill the world with more ginger mutants?” I looked a up to see its face. It had a look of surprise on it. “Oh, and what's this? Trying to spread the gingers over to Slytherin house? I don't think it would work boys. She a Gryffindor, no doubt an accident.”

I approached Draco with my wand in hand. “You are the most filthy-headed pig I've ever met!” I put the wand under his chin, and he winced. I looked at them. “Fred, George, would you leave Mr. Malfoy and I alone. I need as few witnesses as possible.” They smirked and left.

Draco smiled lightly, my wand still propped under his chin. “Sorry,” he said quietly. I put down my wand.

“Did you really have to do something like that?” I asked him. “Fred was really upset.”

He slightly shrugged. “I was looking for you, and found you,” he looked around and took my hand. “We improvise that pretty well huh?”

I rolled my eyes, but I wasn't too upset with Draco. “Next time you bug in while I'm having an important conversation with my friends, I am going to hex you.”

Laughing, he began leading me down empty halls. I had no clue what was going on, but I didn't ask. He stopped in front of a wall, and concentrated on it. A door appeared. He looked at me and opened it.

Inside was a small room decorated with drapery. In the middle there was a table with two chairs and a feast. “Would you join me?” He said, holding his arm out as he went to the table.

And so Draco Malfoy and I had our first official secret date.
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Short I know. Sorry