I Hate Those Stories Where the Fate of the World Depends on Kids

post world cup

As soon as I got back inside the tent, I heard the screams begin. Dad immediately walked out to check out what was going on, then quickly came back inside, telling us to grab everything and leave.

We walked out of the tent and saw the massacre. The horrified expressions on everyone’s face, except for the faces of the grouped death eaters with their torches and pitchforks.

My parents began to go away from the scene with me following.

All of a suddenly I heard screams of “Harry” repeatedly. It sounded like Hermione Granger’s voice. That’s when I saw Harry. I stopped in my tracks close to the tents. He was knocked out. Hermione had quit her yelling, which led me to believe she had been forced away before getting to them. I also turned to find my parents had gone, probably suspecting that I was following behind them.

I could go catch up with him, but what about Harry? He was completely out, who would save him?

I decided I would. Once I could get to him, I would apparate him out whether I was old enough to or not. I’d rather save a life than finish school, to be frank.

It felt like forever after everyone had been cleared away and only Harry and I were left. Harry lying on the ground, me hiding behind the cover of a tent incase any one came. That’s when I decided I would go, get him, then apparate to my home, where my parents would take him to the Weasley’s home.

Then I heard the sound of wood cracking and being moved someone was coming. I jumped to the nearest tent and molded myself beside it as best I could.

I peaked around the corner of the tent and saw the shabby looking intruder stop. He then raised his arm to the skies and shout a curse. Then in sky a green aurora was created of skull with a snake slithering out of his mouth. I was so frightened I was near tears.

I saw a movement through my peripheral vision and turned my gaze to see Harry getting up. He turned his head and saw the predator the guy began to move and Harry started running away. Before he could get to far, I grabbed him and he got the hint, hiding behind me and a hand on my shoulders so he could also looking around the corner to where he could see the the man.

“Harry,” The voice of Ron Weasley was heard through the foggy night, “Harry, where are you?” I saw them coming and began to go away. Harry began to follow me, but I told him to stay. I then ran to the woods just as Ron and Hermione caught up with their friend. Just as long as Harry was safe…

I saw Draco in the woods and caught up to him. “Do you have a portkey?” I asked quickly.

“Why should I help you?” he asked with a sneer.

I grabbed my wand and put it up to his neck. “Do you want to know what it feels like to be sliced a thousand times all over your body?”

He widened his eyes. “Where do you want it to go?” He grabbed a doll with no hair and a missing eye. I told him where, then we both grabbed the portkey and ended up right in front of my house.

“There you are,” he said.

“Thanks,” I said, then added, “and by the way, there isn’t even a spell like that.” I began to laugh, but then he glared and grabbed my arm causing me to winced in pain.

“You little…,” he glared, at a loss for words. I had given him a pleading look, wanting him to let my arm go. He let go of it and practically threw me onto the ground. I heard him mutter. “You better be lucky you’re so pretty,” before he grabbed the portkey once again and was gone.

The morning school started, I woke up and got ready, humming Wicked while I was at it. My parents kept the questions at a minimum, just glad I had found my way home, which I was thankful for.

Once I was ready I ate breakfast and we were ready to go. We made it to the train station thirty minutes before the trains departed. We quickly got me and my stuff onto the platform and after goodbye to and from both of them I got on to the train.

As I was trying to find a compartment, I heard, “Hey, Aphrodite,” I turned and saw Cedric Diggory. He was smiling at me again. “I saw that robe you were wearing at the tournament. It was really nice.”

I laughed kind of shyly. “Yeah, I think you told me as you were passing me.”

That made him laugh. “Yeah… I did.” We both started laughing kind of nervously then, until his friends started calling for him.

“You should go with them,” I said.

He nodded. “Probably should,” he said, then bent down to say lower to me, “I’ve heard rumors you can turn me into a vampire.”

I raised my brow. “Really, they’re getting kind of creative with this kind of stuff.” We both smiled, then he walked away. I continued going the other way.

I walked a little farther before someone yet again said my name. I turned and saw Gabi. “I think every other compartment is full,” she said.

“No, I think there’s an empty one over there I said pointing to the direction of it.

She rolled her eyes. “You told me you wanted to open up this year, Aphry.”

“I do,” I said.

“Then start now,” she said, and pulled me into a compartment where I saw Harry, Ron, George, Fred, Ginny, and Hermione. They all stared at me, and I smiled sheepishly back at them.

Log # 1- First attempt at making actual friends at Hogwarts… awkward…