I Hate Those Stories Where the Fate of the World Depends on Kids

Here We Go Another Year

Harry, Fred, Ron Hermione, and I could not find a compartment, so I started my search for Aphrodite.
I walked maybe half way down the train cart and found her. I screamed her name out and she turned around. “I think every other compartment is full,” I said.

“No, I think there’s an empty one over there,” she said pointing the other way.

I rolled my eyes at her and said, “You told me you wanted to open up this year, Aphry.”

“I do,” she said.

“Then start now,” I said, and pulled her into a compartment where we saw Harry, Ron, George, Fred, Ginny, and Hermione. They all stared at her, and she smiled sheepishly back at them.

“You guys, be nice and say hello to Aphrodite,” I said to them staring at Fred intently, meaning that he should start first.

“Hey Aphrodite, how are things,” Fred said.

“Hi, Fred, things are good. You know Gabi, you should let me have that open seat,” Aphry said.

“Yeah, sure, I’ll sit on the floor,” I said knowing her plan.

“Gabi, you can have my spot,” Hermione said.

“Are you sure,” I asked.

“Of course, Gabi, I’m going to leave soon anyway to get ready,” she said.

“No worry, mione, she can sit here,” Fred said patting his lap.

“Yes, a warm and comfy seat, sorry Hermione, but I rather that seat than yours,” I said.

“It’s alright I don’t blame you at all,” she replied.

“Alright,” I said. Then we all started to hold conversations about this year and what we hope it entails. Fred and George wanted to pull millions of more pranks and win the Quidditch House Cup again. Harry and Ron just wanted to stay out of trouble and pass. Hermione wanted to spend more time learning. I myself wanted to help out the first years and be the best student this year. And this I kept to myself was to finally tell Fred about my feelings. I sort of got bored and played with my hair. When I noticed Aphrodite was staring at me, and that everyone else was staring at me weirdly.

“What’s wrong is there something on my face,” I asked.

“Ah, Gabi, your hair just turned blonde,” Harry said.

“Bloody hell and your eyes are grey,” Ron said.

“Oh, Sorry, guys,” I said and changed it back to my normal colors.

“What happened,” Fred asked.

“It’s a gift I was born with, to help me out when I’m in a tight situation,” I said.

“Oh, cool,” Harry said.

“Very,” Ron added.

Then for the rest of the train ride it was alright because I feel asleep.

~Great Hall~

I was sitting next to Fred and Ron while Dumbledore talked about this year and how Quidditch was cancelled and I can swear I head Wood curse in front of me.

“We can still practice though,” I whispered to Wood in his ear.
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Sorry about this guys, but with the hospital trips and school work i have fallen behind. So here it is.