I Hate Those Stories Where the Fate of the World Depends on Kids

Sleepovers and School Just Started

Gabi’s POV

After supper was done and the new schools came in and sat at their own tables, we as in Fred George, Harry, Ron, Wood, Hermione, Ginny, Lee, and myself went up to Gryffindor tower to get some well deserved sleep. When we arrived in the common room we saw the first years in a corner rounded up near the perfect. I don’t know him or his name so I really don’t care, but he did however know my name. ‘Bloody hell’ I thought to myself.

“First year girls if you have any problems with anything ‘girl’ related feel free to talk to Miss. Gabriella Slytherin, she being the perfect role model according to Professor McGonagall,” He said.

“Awe, thanks, but I have my own studies to attend to. However if you need academic help, I’ll help you out,” I said as Fred lifted my up bridal style and brought me to the boy’s dormitories with George and Lee following behind us laughing the whole way there. When we arrived in the room Fred threw me on his bed and dog piled on me, crushing me under his weight.

“Ay, Fred you’re crushing our one and only Gabi, we need her so get off of her you idiot,” George said pushing Fred off of me.

“Thank you George, at least someone loves and cares about me,” I said getting up and looking sad at Fred.

“Hey, I love you too, and I care for you 20 times more than George,” Fred said. Lee only giggled at this. You see this is normal behavior for us three, and add Lee well according to Professor Lupin, it shouldn’t ever happen.

“Hey let’s have a sleepover like last year,” Fred suggests.

“And where will I sleep this time,” I asked not wanting to know the answer.

“With one of us,” Fred and George replied.

“But most likely with Fred, like most times,” Lee said.

“Yeah, this is true, so sleep with Fred because I know how you sleep and he is the exact same way,” George replied.

“Alright,” I said as I got out of the bed and walked out the door and into my dormitories. When I walked out I was in normal bed attire for sleeping with Fred, shorts, and a tank. Why because we snuggle and keep warm when we sleep. When I arrived back into their room, they were all settled down ready for bed. So I went to Fred’s bed as he lifted the covers for me to get into.

~Next day~

When I woke up Fred’s face was mere inches from mine, and he also had a death grip on my waist. I looked up to see George and Lee smirking with a camera, my camera, in their hands. When they showed me that they took a picture of us sleeping, I almost screamed. Then I felt Fred move so that he was lying on his back and I was moved so that my head had to rest on his chest. ‘OMG this is a story to tell Aphry when I get out of this mess’ I thought to myself. Then Fred stirred from his sleep, and looked down on me.

“Sleep well,” he asked.

“Never better,” I said, “but I should warn you, that your twin took a picture of us while we were sleeping and is most likely sending the picture to everyone”.

“Oh well, I don’t care, too tired,” he said.

“Well can you let me go, so that way I can stop him,” I asked.

“Nope because you are my big teddy bear, or life size doll, and I want you to stay so that way I have something to keep me warm while I sleep,” he said like a stubborn child.

“Fine,” I said, “but if I hear one thing about that picture I will hurt someone”.

“Okay, fine, do what you want Gabi, I hope you know who you really are one day,” he said as he fell back asleep. After he was asleep I started to wonder if I talked in my sleep, and if so what did I say in my dreams.